Stress and Relapse - First Steps Recovery

Stress and Relapse

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Stay in Front Of Your Stress – Don’t Relapse

There are many circumstances that can affect your day-to-day life and cause you stress, from traffic to finances, or work life to grocery shopping, there always seems to be something to stress over. Some people are able to deal with stress better than others, and did you know that some people are prone to stress and anxiety through their genes?

Preventing Stress and Relapse

If you’re recovering from a substance use disorder, you will need to use the tools that you learned in rehab to minimize your chances of stress and relapse in your new lifestyle, and learning stress management techniques is a healthy and positive way to deal with your worries or tension.

Studies show that stress is a major cause of relapse while in recovery, so developing a positive coping mechanism is crucial. You ever wonder why they say “stress is a silent killer“? When you encounter stressful situations, your body responds in multiple ways, your body releases hormones, increases blood flow to your muscles, and constricts your veins, which are all “fight or flight” responses from your body, however, chronic stress can take a huge toll on your health.

Stay in Front Of Your Stress

First Steps Recovery Treatment Rehab is located in Fresno, California, and we are your addiction and recovery specialist. Our team has put together a list of techniques that you can practice, minimizing your chances of a relapse due to stress.

Some factual stress-management techniques include:

  • Journaling
  • Adequate sleep
  • Regular exercise
  • Yoga and meditation
  • Talk to a family member, trusted friend or sponsor

These tips and techniques can help lower stress levels and create a sense of balance for you.

  1. Be Mindful And Include Yoga

This mere adjustment can make your days feel more balanced. The practice of mindfulness and yoga involves certain breathing methods and guided meditation, along with other ways to relax your mind and your body to reduce stress. Regulating your breathing is a quick way to relax. Taking full, deep, breaths activates your body’s parasympathetic nervous system and creates a response that’s relaxing and slows down your heartbeat and cortisol levels – having a positive impact on your stress level.

  1. Adding Exercise and Routine Can Be Key 

Having a routine is essential when you’re recovering to maintain sobriety. Even being bored can create too much downtime and potentially be unsafe for anyone recovering from a substance use disorder. As anyone will tell you, one of the best stress relief methods by far is exercise. Exercise also lowers your cortisol levels, releasing endorphins that can boost your confidence and even improve the quality of your sleep.

  1. Know That Every Day Is A Beautiful Day

When you’re feeling the slightest bit of stress, regardless of where you are, choose a beautiful image to focus on, a happy memory. Your brain will release those feel-good neurotransmitters, and this has proven that it lowers your level of stress.

  1. Journal Your Journey

One of the most encouraging techniques for stress relief today is journaling, when you write out your feelings, now the key to journaling for stress relief is to write out all of your feelings and emotions. This means writing down your worries, your fears, your happy times and your embarrassing moments, and there’s something about seeing it all on paper that can give you new and better insights.

  1. Music Calms the Soul

Did you know that soothing music sends subconscious cues to your mind about the type of mood you should be in? Music therapy is a great stress reliever, and First Steps Recovery understands how stress can negatively affect your recovery and sobriety.

  1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation — Um, What’s That?

This practice will allow for you to acknowledge tightness and tension within your muscles, leading to relaxation. Try this: go ahead and tense up all your muscles as tight as you can, now, you want to slowly relax your muscles in this order; start at your toes, now your legs, working your way up until you reach your shoulders and furrowed eyebrows. There you go, how do you feel? This technique also assists with insomnia.

Here at First Steps Recovery, located in Fresno, California, we specialize in the treatment of substance use disorders. If you, a friend, or family member have been battling an addiction and are ready to change your life, contact us today to schedule a free consultation by calling 844-489-0836 or contact us online here, and don’t forget to ask about our online treatment options here. In the meantime, check out our blog right here.


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