alcohol use disorder

What Is Substance Use Disorder: Alcohol Signs

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Substance use disorder is a disease that affects a person’s behavior and brain leading to inability to control the use of substances like alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, illegal or legal medication. One becomes powerless and can no longer dictate or decide when to use them.

Alcohol abuse starts with experimental use in social situations of a recreation drug for most people. It later becomes frequent and a necessity as time progresses and one indulges more. In other cases, someone struggling with drug abuse begin with exposure to prescribed medications or getting from a friend or family.

Strong painkillers like opioid have a higher risk and can quickly lead to addiction compared to others. Different wines, beer, and liquor have varying alcohol content hence some are more addictive than others.

Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

The urge to use alcohol regularly or daily and in some cases several times in a day is a sign of addiction.

Another sign to look out for is the need for more of the drug or alcohol consumption to get the same effect. Over time the body demands more dosage or quantity. You will, therefore, have to take larger amounts of the drug than you intended.

A person with an addiction usually has to ensure that they maintain the supply at whatever cost. Most addicts will spend money on the substance even though they cannot afford it. As a result, finances meant for other things will be used for alcohol. One loses the power to decide on whether to have it or not and becomes an alcohol slave.

Obligations and work responsibilities are compromised by a drug addict. Once addicted, the a person may cut back on recreational or social activities to drink. Nothing else matters and alcohol takes the center stage.

When one cannot stop drinking despite the problems it causes in your life, whether psychological or physical, it is a sign of addiction. Substance use disorder renders the user helpless as they lose power to the drugs or alcohol.

An addict would also do things that they normally would not do to facilitate the availability of the substance, like stealing. When under the influence, people may also indulge in risky activities like reckless driving, among others.

Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when one stops or goes without the drug is also a clear sign that one is addicted to the substance. Most addicts struggle and fail in the attempts to stop the use of the substance.

Effects of Substance Use Disorder

Excessive alcohol consumption has serious health implications. Alcohol use disorder can lead to diseases like mouth, throat, esophagus, colon, liver and mouth cancer. High blood pressure, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems are other conditions associated with excess alcohol intake.

Long term use of alcohol may also lead to memory and learning problems, poor performance in school or work, dementia, mental health problems, anxiety, and depression.

An addict will also keep drinking despite obvious health risks like pregnancy or other health-related challenges. Identifying someone slipping into alcoholism early enough is crucial as it is easier to help one before they indulge more.

What Next?

Anything exceeding moderate drinking defined in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans should raise eyebrows. If you wish to break free from alcoholism, reach out to First Steps Recovery. You can talk to us if you or your relative is struggling with alcohol and drug abuse and wish to stop. We are committed to answering the desperate call of all struggling with substance use disorder and have testimonials of many who have broken the chains of addiction. Our facility is fully accredited and licensed treatment facility. Call Now: 844-489-0836

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