30 day rehab - first steps addiction treatment

Why 30-Day Addiction Treatment Is Best

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Substance Use Disorders – Why 30 Day Rehab Is Better

It’s a remarkable dilemma that oftentimes, people with substance use disorders are known to deny that they have a problem, therefore delaying treatment because in their minds — they don’t need any help. However, when they are ready, and they “do” ultimately admit that they have a problem, First Steps Recovery is here to help, offering you or your family member optimal and effective treatment for your substance use disorder.

The First Step — Admitting That You Have A Problem

So you’re finally ready, you’ve accepted and admitted that you have a substance use disorder, and you need help to kick this pastime that you’ve been afflicted with. Admission is the first step. It’s comprehensible that you would experience many moods leading up to your chosen place of healing and treatment. You may feel anxious, confused, and even hopeful knowing that First Steps Recovery specializes in drug and alcohol treatment. Depending on how far back your history of use goes. You may be wondering if a 30-day program is even long enough.

Is a 30 Day Rehab Long Enough?

You may find yourself wondering if 30-days is long enough for an effective and successful outcome — mainly if you have a lengthy history of substance abuse. The answer is yes, 30 days is long enough to recover from drug and/or alcohol abuse is “yes” you can recover.

The same way that it took time for your habit to grow, it will take some time for you to learn to live sober, so don’t get discouraged, it’s crucial to stay positive. Over time, you will get used to your new life and lifestyle, and First Steps Recovery is equipped to support and work with you so that you can learn how to live substance free and happy. For instance, you will need to learn to substitute dysfunctional, drug driven, destructive behaviors into sober, healthy behaviors and beliefs.

Why Is a 30-Day Treatment Program Better?

Many agree that a 30-day residential treatment program is a better option for some, but keep in mind that every person’s situation is unique and different for them, one person’s substance use disorder will likely not be the same as someone else’s situation. The 30-day programs tend to have more of a structured foundation where recovering users can enter their journey to sobriety in a positive and supportive atmosphere.

Spending a minimum of 30 days in our treatment facility will afford you the chance to focus completely on your recovery, minus the distractions of daily life and any negative influences.

Detoxify — Why?

Many people think of teas and supplements when they hear the word detoxify, but when dealing with recovery, detoxifying is different, unpleasant, and possibly life-threatening. Because detoxing can be different for each person, you will be monitored under 24 hours supervision while your body goes through its detoxification and withdrawal process, as the substances vacate your body.

At First Steps Recovery, located in California’s Central Valley, our team of professionals are available around the clock to assist you in getting through your detoxification process.

We understand that true sobriety is much more than just refraining from abusing substances, it also entails healing your soul.

Your Recovery Process

Your residential recovery process will be individual to your own personal needs, remember, everyone is different, hence, everyone’s specific treatment needs will be different as well.

What does a 30-Day Residential Program Stay Look Like?

During your 30-day residential stay, you will receive therapy, exercises, and education created to support you through your new journey through sobriety, including clinical therapies like:

  • Group Therapy
  • Group Counseling
  • Individual Psychotherapy
  • Psychological Assessments
  • Individual Case Management
  • Individual Drug and Alcohol Counseling

As you can see, there won’t be a lot of free time for you while in recovery, and you can also take advantage of some of our amenities here at First Steps Recovery, like:

  • Yoga
  • Nature
  • Exercise
  • Equine Therapy
  • Recreation Area
  • Outdoor Activities
  • Mountain Foothills

Long-Term Aftercare Is Your Key to Success 

You did it! You’ve completed your 30-day treatment program, and you are now a graduate. Woo-hoo! As you know, the work is not over, and has just begun, because now you have to do the work in the real world to keep yourself on the straight and narrow path of your sobriety.

It is crucial for people who are fresh out of inpatient treatment to continue and be mindful of their lifestyle changes, as well as education on their journey to remain sober. Participate in outpatient aftercare programs and attend 12-step fellowship meetings like:

  • Narcotics Anonymous
  • Alcoholics Anonymous

First Steps Recovery specializes in the treatment of substance use disorders and is a full-continuum program located in Fresno, California. If you or a family member have been battling a substance use disorder and are ready to take the journey into recovery, contact us today at 844-489-0836.

You can also contact us online here to schedule your free consultation, and don’t forget to ask about our online treatment options here. In the meantime, check out our blog right here.

Picture of Meet Our Team
Meet Our Team

From our certified therapists and nurses to our emotional support animal "Cooper", our entire team is dedicated to the health and success of our clients throughout our program and beyond.

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