5 sobriety apps

5 Best Sobriety Apps for You to Check Out Today

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Are you looking for an app that can help you with your sobriety?

There is no master class on teaching the skills of handling the many things that come at us throughout our days. Where sobriety is concerned, it’s often the everyday things that surprise us and cause the most problems. However, we carry around a powerful tool that is so integrated into our lives we often forget the possibilities it has to schedule, remind, entertain, inspire, engage in life … and, yes, manage our sobriety.

Recovery management is an undercurrent that flows around us at all times. Some days it’s more noticeable than others, and some days it feels like a trickle, but it’s always there. Good news? So are the apps on our phones. Here are a few of the best ones available to give you power and inspiration and continue with your successful recovery.

sober gridSober Grid
Grounded in the need for connection between recovering addicts, Sober Grid is a tool for reaching out whenever and wherever the need arises. No matter where you are—at home, traveling, out at the local gathering place—this geosocial networking app gives you access to others living in sobriety. Staying connected with a trusted group of people who are on the same grid as you, this app can help you remember that you are not alone when you need it most.
Apple  |  Android

cassava appCassava
Need to find a support group right away? Cassava offers a meeting finder to help relieve you from the need to scour the streets. Plus there are articles and reflections for keeping you on track and ways to track your daily life. The categories range from topics that can affect sobriety—from stress to career to emotional well being and even a sleep tracker.
Apple  |  Android


sobriety appSquirrel Recovery; Addiction
A support network is the key to this app, originally designed by computer scientists inspired by the country’s increasing heroin epidemic. The name is based on a theory put forth by Brad Lander, from Ohio State University, basically saying that an addict’s “higher brain” is always in competition with the “lower brain” or the squirrel brain—the pleasure seeking, do-what-you-want-no-matter-the-costs part of your drives. With Squirrel Recovery, you create your own network of support, and you all keep tabs on each other’s user-imputed stress levels, moods, and urges. There is also an emergency button you can push for those dire situations.
Apple (still in development)  |  Android

sobriety app 3I Am Sober
Some days, it’s too much to even remember where you have been and where you are going. But as they begin to stack up, your collective days of sobriety up are as valuable as a string of pearls in the realm of motivation. That’s where I Am Sober comes in. It helps you keep track of how your hard work has paid off (even literally as you can track the money you have saved in sobriety). Other metrics IAS helps you keep an eye on are your milestones and your days, plus you get motivational thoughts and more.   Apple  |  Android

sobriety app 4SoberTool
Because you need more than a reminder, SoberTool trains you in recovery habits. Keep track of your sobriety, get rewards for staying sober, receive motivational messages, use the search engine to pinpoint solutions for specific needs, join the forum and more.

Apple  |  Android


Need Help?
Do you think you might be in danger of a relapse? Here are some signs to be aware of to make sure you are still on the right track for your recovery: “Warning Signs of an Alcohol or Drug Relapse.

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