The 5 Lies We Tell Ourselves in Addiction

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Addiction, or substance use disorder, is more common than what people may think. According to the 2017 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 18.7 million adults had a substance use disorder. Sometimes, it is not obvious if you or someone you know is suffering from an addiction. It does not help if lies or misconceptions easily spread around. Here are five lies people tell themselves about addiction.

1. Addiction Can be Controlled

One of the most common lies that those suffering from substance abuse tell themselves is they are in control of it. They may tell concerned loved ones that they can stop whenever they feel like it. Sometimes, it is difficult to admit that you are not in control of something.

It is important to understand that substance use disorder is not a choice. Choosing to stop your substance abuse requires a lot of effort, and you often need professional help. Admitting that you are not in control is the first step towards getting addiction treatment.

2. Drugs/Alcohol Are Needed to Manage Problems

There are plenty of causes that can lead to someone developing a substance use disorder. For many, even the smallest problem that they face in their daily life can seem devastating. It is common for those with an addiction to believe that they are unable to get through their problems without using drugs or alcohol.

Stress frequently feels like it is more unbearable than it is, and using drugs or alcohol seems warranted as a result. What is necessary to understand is that using these substances makes problems worse instead of easier to manage.

3. Not Consuming Substances All Day Means There is No Addiction

Sometimes, people will continue to suffer from substance abuse because loved ones have misconceptions. One lie people may tell themselves is that their loved one does not have an addiction because they do not consume the substance all day. You may believe that only drinking at night is a sign that it is not a substance use disorder.

Even if the person takes drugs or drinks alcohol at a certain time of day, how much they consume is still a cause for concern. You also need to realize that there may be a problem if it happens almost daily.

4. It is Not as Bad as Others

Those with an addiction will compare themselves to others. They may use a friend or family member’s habits as a form of measurement. They may bring up how many bottles the other person consumed or any legal matters that occurred as a result. Even the person’s loved ones may use the habits of other people they know to show that there is no problem.

Addiction does not manifest itself the same way for everyone, and each situation is unique. Just because it is not as bad as another person’s case does not mean that you should avoid seeking help. It is important to get treatment before an addiction gets worse.

5. Being High-Functional Means There is No Addiction

Many people who have a substance use disorder can function in their daily life. They are able to attend school or work every day. It is a common misconception that those with an addiction are unable to attend social events or cannot keep a job. However, that is not true. In 2014, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health showed that around 10.8 million people work full-time while having a substance use disorder.

Substance use disorder can make keeping a job difficult, but it does not always cause people to get fired. Even if you or a loved one can keep a high-paying job, there may still be an issue that needs to be addressed.

One of the methods of addiction treatment is rehabilitation. First Steps Recovery is committed to helping patients overcome their substance use disorder through rehab. We are located in Fresno, California. Contact us today at 844-489-0836.

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