Alcohol Substitutes for Celebration

Alcohol Substitutes for Celebration

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Alcohol has become a staple at social events and gatherings, so much so that it can feel impossible to participate without partaking. Fortunately, there are several alcohol substitutes that can allow you to join in the celebration and not feel excluded. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the alternatives that enable you to enjoy the moment and still stay sober. If you’re looking for a way to celebrate without alcohol, read on to learn more about these options.


When it comes to social events, half the fun of the beverages is the festive-looking drinks you can order. One substitute for this can be mocktails. Mocktails utilize all the flavoring and coloring of a regular cocktail, with an alternative to the liquor that’s used as a base. The liquor can be swapped out for tea or citrusy juices.

Whether you’re in the mood for something sweet, spicy, or tart, there is sure to be a mocktail to suit your tastes. Some common ingredients used in mocktails include juices, syrups, herbs, spices, and fruit. With the right combination of ingredients, you can make a delicious, alcohol-free drink that is sure to satisfy you.

Nonalcoholic Beer

Many individuals talk of the relaxation that comes from a cold beer at the end of the day. This sensation does not have to go away once you chose lifelong sobriety. There now is an alternative to alcoholic beer that provides the same taste. Companies have developed alternatives that do not draw attention to your drink choice. This allows you to enjoy a beverage without worry.

Nonalcoholic beer can be found in many supermarkets and in pubs and bars. There are numerous brands available, from light lagers to dark ales, so it is easy to find one that suits your taste.

Nonalcoholic beer can be enjoyed in the same way as regular beer, but with the advantage of not having any alcohol content. These drinks can be enjoyed as an accompaniment to a meal, or even alone if preferred. Nonalcoholic beer also pairs well with food, making it an ideal choice for meals with friends or family.


This trendy beverage is a sweetened black tea that is slightly effervescent to deliver a carbonated drink. The fermentation process produces a low-alcohol content of less than zero.5%, which makes it a safe alternative for those who are looking to stay away from alcohol.

Additionally, kombucha is full of healthy probiotics, antioxidants, and vitamins that can provide health benefits. Kombucha can be enjoyed both hot and cold, and there are many different flavors available. According to a research review published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, the health benefits of kombucha help with stress hormones and inflammation. Furthermore, kombucha improves the liver detoxification process. This makes it a strong choice as an alcohol substitute.


A beverage called Seedlip is a trendy new type of nonalcoholic alcohol that’s catching on as a fun alternative to alcohol. Seedlip was created back in 2015 as a natural, novel, and flavorful nonalcoholic option. The drink is created by taking herbs, spices, and stuff like cardamom, grapefruit, and allspice, and distilling them into a concentrated liquid that can be mixed with water or tonic to make a refreshing and tasty drink.

There are three different types of Seedlip, each with a unique flavor profile. Garden 108 is a light and flowery drink that’s perfect with tonic. Spice 94 is all warm and spicy with cardamom and allspice. Grove 42, on the other hand, is more zesty and citrusy with lemon and pink peppercorns. For those who like citrus, spicy, or floral tastes, Seedlip is a great choice. 

Bring Your Own Alcohol Substitutes

A study published in BMC Public Health showed that increasing the availability of nonalcoholic options raised the odds of people drinking them by 71%. When people perceived more nonalcoholic drink options in total as well as relative to the number of alcoholic drink options, they were more likely to choose a non-alcoholic option.

Unfortunately, the availability of a variety of alcohol substitute options is increasing but is still somewhat limited. This could encourage you to have a conversation with your host or local restaurant about providing this option or allowing you to bring your alternative. You may find you are not the only one looking to abstain from alcohol consumption.

All of these alcohol substitutes ultimately lead to a stronger feeling of community. By turning to these drink choices, you can avoid the subtle alienation that comes with abstaining from alcohol. Abstaining from alcohol during social functions doesn’t have to come at the expense of exciting drink choices. Try one of the alcohol substitutes above and see if they work as a good alternative at the next summer party. If you feel you’re struggling to deal with alcohol abstinence, don’t hesitate to reach out for help at First Steps Recovery.

While our culture places a high value on independence and uniqueness, the people who support us are what truly make us successful. We offer that support at First Steps Recovery. Providing trauma-informed, evidence-based care, we help you achieve and maintain sobriety. At the same time, we are committed to helping you develop social and life skills that support your abstinence. This may include educating you about the options out there that can help you socialize safely. We make sure that your care is specifically customized to your needs while also exposing you to support networks that you can turn to after treatment is over. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information.

While our culture places a high value on independence and uniqueness, the people who support us are what truly make us successful. We offer that support at First Steps Recovery. Providing trauma-informed, evidence-based care, we help you achieve and maintain sobriety. At the same time, we are committed to helping you develop social and life skills that support your abstinence. This may include educating you about the options out there that can help you socialize safely. We make sure that your care is specifically customized to your needs while also exposing you to support networks that you can turn to after treatment is over. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information.

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