self deception and addiction

Addiction and the Dangerous Road of Self Deception

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Addiction is a commonly experienced problem that can have grave consequences not only on the individual with the disorder but also on their families and friends. While it all starts as a behavior that you can easily and voluntarily take control of, addiction to drugs and alcohol can grow to become chronic, leading to significant life changes such as losing one’s job or even neglecting your own family. And soon self deception becomes part of your life.

In most cases, people tend to justify their behavior through self  deception because it can be hard to come to terms with addiction, which often contributes to their continued use of drugs. Fortunately, with support from loved ones and medical professionals, it is possible to overcome this vice to lead a worthy and productive life.

For a more in-depth insight into this subject, we look at some common lies people living with addiction tell themselves to rationalize their dependency.

  1. My addiction affects no one else 

Many see addiction as a responsibility that only they can and should carry. Moreover, they tend to think that anyone who tries to ask them to quit is out trying to control their lives. Contrary to this self deception, addiction affects all the people around you, from your family to coworkers and employees.

For instance, your colleagues will always be on the receiving end of your irritable behavior and mood swings. You are also likely to underperform in your duties, which could put you in trouble with colleagues. In a nutshell, when dealing with addiction, every person who surrounds you feels the impact one way or another.

  1. I can stop whenever I want  

For sure, no one wants to admit they are hooked to drugs and/or alcohol. So the best way to justify their actions is to make themselves feel like they are in control and can quit at their leisure. Sadly, this statement only works to give them a reason to continue engaging in drugs, probably expecting a day to come when they will stop. What many people fail to understand is the urge to have more can never stop if you do not change and chose to be sober.

  1. I can never manage my life without drugs/alcohol 

People rarely see drugs and alcohol as the primary source of their problems; instead, they hold the idea that life issues can only be solved when you are high on something. Furthermore, they always assume life is unfair to them, and the best way to maneuver is to self-medicate to see and understand things in a perspective they are familiar with.

By telling themselves this lie, they feel their drug use is warranted, further justifying the use thereof. With a clouded judgment, they may not understand that only through addiction treatment can they have a clearer view of life, and hence solve their issues more reasonably.

  1. I Am better than so and so, so I don’t have a problem

Another way people escape reality is to compare themselves with someone who is seemingly doing worse. In addition to being their way of gauging their substance use, it gives them a sense of responsibility and superiority, which are tools they use to shed off their guilty conscience in order to use drugs without feeling responsible for their actions.

While this deceitful tactic of comparison may show that the victim has not fallen to a level of destruction yet, it is a clear sign that they are headed in that direction. This means without help, their situation could worsen over time.

  1. I don’t care if my addiction kills me  

Once a person reaches the level of desperation, they begin to view life as meaningless and lose all the hope of ever recovering. In most cases, they are sure drug and alcohol use is taking a toll on them but lack the strength to quit. What remains here is grief and pain, and eventually, a sense of helplessness.

At this stage, people with substance use disorders are not weighing the option of checking into rehab for recovery options. This is where family and friends should counter the lie and offer full support to ensure that the victim gets out of their addiction to resume a normal life.

Self Deception: The Bottom line 

Indeed, people with substance use disorders will present some form of self deception just to justify their use of drugs and alcohol. However, as family and friends, we have a responsibility to help them out of addiction so that they can live meaningful and fulfilling lives.

First Step Recovery works with individuals dealing with alcohol and drug addiction in Fresno, California, to help them achieve sobriety and enjoy life again. Reach out to us to learn more about how our various programs can help you or your loved one recover.



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