Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Friends and Family

Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Friends and Family

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Friends and Family

Many people don’t realize that friends and family members can often become “enablers” of someone’s substance abuse. This can happen in many ways, such as co-workers covering up for the abuser’s mistakes by claiming they were ill or relatives and friends laughing off the substance abuser’s weekend binges. Sadly, many people need to experience the consequences of their addiction before seeking treatment.

Not only is addiction harmful to your physical and mental health, alcohol and drug abuse can also harm your personal relationships. People often use drugs and alcohol to cope with stress in their lives. They take risks when they consume these drugs, which can cause serious consequences if not properly treated. Those who suffer from addiction are more likely to turn to other types of substance abuse to help them cope. Ultimately, this can lead to a downward spiral if it’s not stopped.

Spiraling into addiction can lead to a range of health problems. While drinking too much can be fun, it puts you at risk for accidents that could potentially be fatal. Heavy alcohol use can also cause serious damage to your liver and if the amount is not limited, it can lead to alcoholism; so it is important to limit your drinking to one to two drinks per day. Women should limit alcohol use to seven drinks a week. It is also important to limit your intake of cough medicine. Dextromethorphan can make you feel drunk, so use caution and follow the recommendations.

When a person is abusing alcohol or drugs, an increased risk of HIV and STDs could occur, so it’s important to remember that their family’s history of alcohol use may also play a role in the individual’s need for these substances. Additionally, studies show that family members of alcoholics and drug abusers try to provide assistance and support and can reduce the likelihood of repeating the negative pattern of behavior.

The symptoms of alcohol and drug abuse are common and oftentimes, you’ll have a hard time recognizing the signs of an addiction. Among the most common symptoms of substance abuse are persistent cough, red eyes, and a change in eating and sleeping habits. It can also lead to more serious issues, such as blackouts and further problems at home, school, and at work. It’s important to seek treatment for your addiction and get the help you need to live a fulfilling life.

Alcohol and drug abuse can begin as a simple problem that gets worse over time. People who use alcohol and drugs may not realize they’re abusing them, but they may feel guilty about it. The effects of alcohol and drugs are different in everyone, especially among different genders, but it is important to understand the effects on the body for both males and females. Drinking too much can cause serious health problems, especially on your internal organs. While alcohol can help you feel better, you should not drink too much or serious problems can occur.

The media often portrays people with SUDs as criminals with moral deficiencies. But, anyone can develop risky behaviors and patterns of abuse. While the media might show the problems of people with SUDs as the result of a bad relationship, alcohol and drug abuse are actually medical conditions. If you’re suffering from the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse, it’s important to get help. The sooner you start seeking treatment, the better.

A person’s need for alcohol or drugs may be determined by their family’s history of alcohol abuse. Whether they’re addicted to heroin or apprehensive about the dangers of drug use, education can tremendously help reduce the chances of a relapse. Research shows that a family member’s attempt to help the addict may lead to a lifetime of addiction. So, it’s important to discuss alcohol and drug abuse with children at a young age.

Some people may be genetically predisposed to addiction. Others may be temperamentally prone to abuse. Both types of factors interact to cause alcohol and drug addiction. The genes and personality traits of a person’s family are also linked to SUD. Although the risk of developing SUD is low, the effects of substance abuse can be devastating, and it may even be fatal. It can be difficult to stop, but education is key.


If you or a loved one is experiencing issue’s related to drug abuse, please call us at 844-489-0836

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