Am I Too Far Gone for Treatment?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Are you struggling with an addiction and feel like you’re “too far gone” to consider treatment? You’re not alone. Addiction is a serious illness. It can take a toll on both your physical and mental health, leaving you feeling trapped and helpless. However, there is hope. Addiction treatment can provide the tools and resources necessary to help you take back control of your life. No matter how deep you feel you are into the cycle of addiction, you can still succeed in living a sober life. All you have to do is make the brave decision to seek treatment.

Addiction Is a Disease

It is important to understand that addiction is a disease. Substance abuse is not a moral failing or a character flaw, but a serious condition. Addiction affects the body and mind, impacting every aspect of your life: your physical health, your mental health, and your relationships. Your addiction can have a negative impact on the lives of those around you as well. Ultimately, maintaining an addiction can make it difficult to maintain a job, manage finances, and even stay in contact with family and friends.

For most people, the only way to truly overcome serious addiction is through treatment. Treatment options will vary depending on the type and severity of the addiction. The journey of treatment may include both inpatient and outpatient programs, individual and group therapy, medication, and self-help groups. Seeking help is the first step toward recovery and offers the hope you deserve for a better future.

It’s Never Too Late to Seek Treatment

No matter how far gone you think you are in your addiction, it is never too late to seek treatment. Addiction can ravage our bodies and minds from the inside out. This is especially true for older individuals who feel their habits will never change. However, the truth is that treatment can help you even if you have a long-term addiction. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) stresses that there is nothing such as “no return” in addiction.

Even though substance abuse changes your chemistry, both mentally and physically, there is no permanent addiction. There is always a chance for rehabilitation, at any age. Holding on to the belief that there is no chance of healing can be a way to justify continuing with substances. However, that keeps you in the same loop of addiction.

Don’t Listen to the Lies

The lies of addiction are frequent and many. These can include telling you you don’t need treatment, that you are too far down the path, or that people wouldn’t support you and instead will judge you. The stigma around addiction treatment can seem like a thick cloud of judgment bringing you down. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) publication, Ending Discrimination Against People With Mental and Substance Use Disorders: The Evidence for Stigma Change, one reason for the ongoing nature of the public stigma of addiction and mental health is due to core prejudice factors. This keeps those who are struggling away from treatment. This mentality feeds into the belief that you need to be self-reliant.

When you fall into a self-reliant state, it’s important to recognize the lies that your addiction tells you. These lies may sound like, “I can quit anytime,” or “I don’t need help.” These lies create a false sense of control. They also make it harder to admit that you need help. You should also remember that no matter how far gone you feel, there is always hope for recovery.

By recognizing the lies of addiction and seeking help, you can begin to rebuild your life and find true freedom from your substance abuse disorder (SUD). Don’t believe in the lies of addiction. You deserve a better life free from substance abuse.

Seek Help Today

The lies of addiction can be powerful, but they do not have to stop you from seeking treatment. Rehabilitation is a key step in your recovery journey. It is a chance for you to be surrounded by professionals who understand the complexity of your situation and are there to support you through it.

When looking for a rehabilitation program, make sure to research your options thoroughly and find one that will best suit your needs. It is important to have a strong support system during this time. Many rehabilitation programs offer a variety of resources and groups to help those in recovery. With the right guidance and resources, you can begin to move forward in your journey and start to feel empowered again.

For those in the Fresno and Clovis, California areas, First Steps Recovery is an excellent choice for drug and alcohol treatment. We offer a safe, supportive environment where clients are monitored and given the best care possible. Our evidence-based treatment programs are tailored to the individual. We develop a personalized plan that meets the unique needs of every person who walks through our doors. From detox to aftercare, we provide comprehensive treatment and recovery services, including individual and group counseling, family support, and 24/7 medical care. If you are seeking a high-quality addiction treatment program, look no further than First Steps Recovery.

Recovery from addiction is not for those who are free from substance abuse. It is for those that are deep into the pain of addiction. We at First Steps Recovery see the critical need for those fighting addiction to get the necessary help. We are ready to take you in and walk you through the first stage of detox. We will then admit you to inpatient programming where we will explore the root causes of your addiction. Once you have physically healed and have gained a good footing, you will graduate to outpatient programming. From there, you’ll continue being supported on your journey. Call First Steps Treatment at (844) 489-0836 if you are battling addiction and need help seeking recovery.

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