Can I Ever Reach Full Recovery?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Recovery is not an easy journey. Rehabilitation starts with a detoxification stage that facilitates relief from intense withdrawal symptoms. The next stage is an in-patient treatment regimen during which people actively address the mental, emotional, and lifestyle issues that can contribute to addiction. After that stage, people continue building new habits in order to support full recovery, sometimes while in intensive outpatient programs or halfway houses. Finally, they transition to normal life. 

However, even those who have completed all of those stages may still pose the question: “Will I ever be free from addiction?” In this article, we will explore what full recovery looks like. We will also examine how to find peace and security in sobriety. Lastly, we will discuss the importance of committing to long-term sobriety.

What Is Full Recovery?

Many people who are recovering from drug misuse problems are seeking full recovery, sometimes called long-term sobriety. Sobriety is described as an extended time of abstinence from all sedatives, euphorics, and depressants, including alcohol and narcotics. Making lifestyle adjustments, treating underlying mental health conditions, and developing healthy coping mechanisms are all necessary for long-term abstinence and relapse prevention.

People in long-term sobriety must acquire new habits and thought processes in addition to abstaining physically. These new behaviors are designed to take the place of the undesirable ones that frequently emerge during active addiction. These new behaviors can include exercising, relaxation practices, and self-care methods. It can also include learning how to improve relationships with family and coworkers. Setting practical objectives for the future is also important and will help one’s goals come to fruition.

The Benefits of Full Recovery

The numerous advantages of sobriety go well beyond improved bodily health. Maintaining abstinence from drugs and alcohol enhances general performance and helps to restore a feeling of normalcy. People who keep their sobriety are better able to concentrate, maintain their relationships, and lead healthy lives.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism states that staying sober lowers one’s chance of getting chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, stroke, and liver problems. People who remain sober have better recall and mental clarity. Additionally, abstinence can aid in lowering tension, boosting self-esteem, and honing decision-making abilities.

Using drugs or alcohol can damage friendships and family ties. As part of cultivating long-term sobriety, it is important to attempt to rebuild those relationships. This helps boost one’s self-confidence and regain others’ trust. By building better relationship skills, those in recovery can achieve healthier relationships.

How Full Recovery is Achievable

According to Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health, about 50% of adults who once met the criteria for a substance use disorder have been in stable remission for one year or longer. This makes it clear that full recovery is possible. It is important to understand that sobriety isn’t a one-time event, but rather a process that takes time and hard work.

Those who are successful in achieving sobriety and full recovery have usually found support through family, friends, and peer support groups. These support people provide encouragement, emotional support, and helpful advice that keeps them motivated and able to refrain from addictive substances. Long-term abstainers also need to be able to participate in social events free of drugs and alcohol and build lasting relationships with people who do not use substances. Another way they remain sober is by developing healthy habits such as physical activity and healthy eating to replace former unhealthy habits.

Full recovery truly is a realistic goal. Achieving it requires breaking down lifestyle goals into small steps and being patient with oneself. This allows one to celebrate their successes along the way, which can boost motivation and self-esteem. Also, if they stumble, they know what they need to do to get back on track again and they pursue that immediately. As long as someone is committed to their sobriety, they can achieve it.

Finding Peace in Recovery

Oftentimes in recovery, people can become frustrated by the pace of their growth. Many individuals are stuck in the mindset that if they can’t achieve it quickly, they won’t ever succeed. However, this mindset can be destructive during sobriety. Instead of having a fixed mindset, it is important to constantly be fostering a growth mindset. A growth mindset is marked by the belief that effort is paramount and that one has the ability to better themselves. It is about being more focused on the process than the result.

Practicing a growth mindset can lead to finding peace in recovery. This growth can be encouraged by activities such as spending time with friends and family, engaging in physical exercise, attending therapy sessions, meditating or journaling, or finding ways to express oneself creatively. It is also important to find healthy ways to cope with stress and difficult emotions.

Addiction Treatment

At First Steps Recovery, we provide our patients with a personalized, step-by-step approach to recovery. You will meet with an experienced team of counselors to assess your needs and develop an individualized treatment plan. In addition, you will receive education and support in various areas such as nutrition, spiritual health, exercise, relapse prevention, and life skills development.

We believe everyone has the potential to live a happy and healthy life free from substance abuse. We are committed to helping you reach those goals. Take the first step toward full recovery today and begin a journey to a brighter future.

Reaching full recovery is an amazing goal. However, it can feel unattainable at times to those just starting their treatment journey. They may feel they can never fully regain their old selves. At First Steps Recovery, we believe that you will not only regain your old self, but you will be the best version of yourself you haven’t yet known. Our facilities and treatments are built to eradicate the motivations and origin of addiction. You are capable and able to fight substance abuse. All you need are the right tools. We can provide those. Please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information about how we can help you start your addiction treatment journey.  

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