Addiction Treatment during COVID-19

COVID-19: Getting Addiction Help During a Time of Crisis

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

As the novel COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc, public health systems all across the globe, have their hands full trying to mitigate and contain its spread. An overview of recent studies reveals that an excess of 23 million Americans are grappling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD). With the state of things currently, all appear to spell doom for patients in need of addiction treatment.

However, that is not the accurate picture of things on the ground. If you are seeking addiction treatment or you have a loved one that could be in dire need of it, worry no more. There are lots of options available for you to access that addiction treatment that seems elusive due to the attention the health care system is giving to the ongoing crisis.

Wondering Where to Get Treatment or Continue Your Treatment Amid The COVID-19 Crisis?

In Fresno, California, as well as every other place, finding a rehab facility that works for you is one of the main things you have to consider. Having trained your sights on recovering from that addiction that has been weighing you down, it then follows that you sign in to a treatment program.

However, if you are recuperating at home, experts are sounding an alarm that the measures set in place by the government to curb the spread of COVID-19 in the form of isolation and quarantine, could trigger a relapse. It is common practice and a first line of defense to hold group meetings as recovering patients.

The big question becomes, what then do you need to do to recover completely from your addiction at such a time? Where do you seek the much-needed attention? First steps Recovery is the ideal addiction treatment center for you in central California. We offer you high quality care and support for you to recover from alcohol disorders and any other addiction-related problems. We stand committed to helping you knock off that addiction. We are still open and are accepting clients for treatment.

Do You Know About the Online Rehabilitation Option and How Helpful It Could Be for You?

On the bright side of things, the COVID-19 crisis that has shut people in their homes could be that big break you need so badly to rid yourself of addiction. Access addiction treatment by embracing the revolutionary online rehabilitation programs option and increase your chances for quicker recovery.

In what has been hailed as the silver bullet to slaying the substance abuse and addiction menace, is the online rehabilitation option. It is a shift from traditional addiction treatment measures that promises much-needed relief to socio-economic challenges of access by incorporating modern technologies.

Online Addiction Treatment Options at First Steps Recovery

First steps recovery offers you what is arguably the best online treatment program. What’s most exciting is that it is just one click away. Our online addiction treatment option is geared towards helping you achieve long-term recovery. Here are our various online treatment options:

1. Online IOP/PHP

All clients attending our First Steps Recovery Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) have access to all of the therapies and amenities offered to those in our inpatient program. Through your computer or smartphone, you have access to virtual medical consultation. All this is achieved via our innovative programs such as:

  • One on one virtual case management
  • One on one online individual addiction therapy
  • Online clinical group sessions
  • Online First Steps cafe; open daily for patients on this program to connect.

2. Family options

In line with CDCs medical advisories regarding COVID-19, all group meetings at First Steps have been moved to a virtual space. Through our online portfolio, families have the perfect means to connect and find solace in the community with others in similar situations as them. We allow family support meetings to take place online once a week.

3. Alumni Options

Under our alumni options, there are alumni group meetings and support groups that are fully integrated into the online experience, allowing graduates from our program more access to their support community more than ever. We offer weekly online support meetings for our alumni.


A look into some of the most recent studies on the effectiveness of online treatment programs shows it to hold tremendously positive results. With higher success rates and lesser drop-out likelihood, this is surely the future of addiction treatment.

The fact that it is more affordable and time-saving, coupled with standardization of quality online rehabilitation, is sure to remain your best option for addiction recovery even long after the current crisis is over.

Are you looking up to learn more about us or even on how First Steps Recovery in Fresno, California could come in and help you to deal with that addiction? Here are some of our online resources that may be of help to you . Visit or call us today on 844-489-0836.

Picture of Meet Our Team
Meet Our Team

From our certified therapists and nurses to our emotional support animal "Cooper", our entire team is dedicated to the health and success of our clients throughout our program and beyond.

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