Do Mothers Feel More Pressure To Deal With Addiction On Their Own?

Do Mothers Feel More Pressure to Deal With Addiction on Their Own?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Fighting destructive habits is always difficult, but with the responsibility of motherhood, it can feel impossible. As a mother, you may not feel you need treatment for many reasons. However, no explanation should deter you from seeking addiction treatment. This is especially true when you struggle with the weight of your life and that of your child.

According to SpringerPlus, mothers struggling with addiction were more likely to have experienced abuse or had parents struggling with addiction. Addiction’s chain of events can end, but it depends on you receiving treatment. This article will discuss in more detail why mothers decide against treatment and why they shouldn’t give in to these reasons. The treatment is not only for you but also for your child.

You Are Only Harming Yourself

You may believe that your struggle with substance abuse is hurting no one but yourself because you are making a personal choice that only directly affects your body. Yet, this addiction lie overlooks the behaviors that come with addiction.

Once the substance affects you physically, it also affects how you function in your daily life. Not to mention the emotional outbursts that come with use. You are less able to control your responses and actions. When you have a child, responsibility for your actions is vital. There is no excuse that addiction is a personal choice.


Struggling with finances can be a burden in any situation. This is especially true when you are supporting a child. However, this should not get in the way of your mental health. As society has progressed, there are more options than ever for financial support, grants, and scholarships.

Many treatment centers provide help with treatment costs. First Steps Recovery accepts several types of health insurance, ready to support your situation. The Health Well Foundation also readily provides support to First Steps Recovery, offering financial support to those in need.

First Steps Recovery and The Health Well Foundation feel no one should go without medical treatment. While your situation may feel hopeless, there is always an answer and help. This treatment center wants to support you no matter the circumstances. You deserve that help no matter the cost.

Fear of Change

You may be concerned that choosing treatment will change your life forever. It feels easier to slip under the radar and continue with an addiction, hoping it might disappear. The act of change can feel more excruciating than the habit itself. Yet, this is another lie fed to you by your addictions.

While the decision for treatment can feel impossible, it is the first step towards you feeling freedom. It will affect your life only in positive and beautiful ways. Treatment will remove the chains that addiction puts on you through compulsive habits. This is followed by learning a healthy balance in mental health. The choice of treatment can only bring health.


While strides have been made in mental health awareness, there is still a lingering stigmatization of addiction. This stigma makes those struggling with addiction feel marked with shame. Yet, there should be no shame in wanting to be better, especially for moms and their children.

To truly fight addiction, you must resist the lie that treatment makes you weaker. The choice to change and get better is one of the most vital steps you have to take. This decision gives you hope for the future and allows your child to see the strength of your growth. Addiction treatment can turn your life around in invaluable ways, far outweighing the judgment you may have initially felt. You deserve freedom.

Feeling Lost

For anyone dealing with addiction, there is a lot of confusion surrounding where to go. With all the options available, it can be overwhelming to search for the right choice. First Steps Recovery is dedicated to your recovery. The program is aimed at you and your child thriving, not just in the present, but in the future.

The clinic provides an array of counselors, clinicians, and therapists to serve your needs. This goes beyond curing your addiction. It aims to help you reach full emotional and mental recovery to help those around you. This includes assisting you as a mother. If you feel you are drowning in problems, please know you have a place with First Steps Recovery, which wants you to be the best you can be as an individual and mother.

Being a Mother

A study from the International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction reveals that mothers participating in treatment, especially family treatment, found more substantial benefits for them and their children. The responsibilities of motherhood are enough, so don’t let the strain of addiction rule your life any longer. First Step Recovery’s facilities and experts are ready to serve your family. So make a decision that positively affects not only you but your child’s health.

Motherhood is a gift. As mothers, we should focus on our relationship with our children. Addiction takes away this gift, morphing it into a burden. At First Steps Recovery, we want to restore your time with your children. We aim to help you fight off addiction entirely. Not only are you preserving your health and happiness, but you are also preserving your child’s future. We provide therapists, counselors, and clinicians to serve you day and night. We can admit you for detox and walk you through all inpatient programs. You can finally be free from the weight of addiction. To learn more about our services, please contact First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836.

Motherhood is a gift. As mothers, we should focus on our relationship with our children. Addiction takes away this gift, morphing it into a burden. At First Steps Recovery, we want to restore your time with your children. We aim to help you fight off addiction entirely. Not only are you preserving your health and happiness, but you are also preserving your child’s future. We provide therapists, counselors, and clinicians to serve you day and night. We can admit you for detox and walk you through all inpatient programs. You can finally be free from the weight of addiction. To learn more about our services, please contact First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836.

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