Finding Peace, Harmony, and Healing at First Steps Recovery

Finding Peace, Harmony, and Healing at First Steps Recovery

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

When we approach the concept of self-care, our goals often include finding peace, harmony, and healing in our lives. Finding peace, evoking harmony, and healing ourselves can be a tall order. This is especially true when we face a long road to recovery, such as in the treatment of substance use or mental illness. Still, it is possible to achieve these goals if we know where to look and if we enlist an expert guide.

In the treatment of substance use and mental health disorders, it is important to look at all aspects of care as playing key parts in recovery. Incorporating holistic interventions along with clinical treatments achieves a more comprehensive healing process. This approach can involve incorporating strategies such as mindfulness, complementary therapies, and diverse pathways to recovery. Alongside traditional interventions, these complementary approaches create a transformative healing process.

However, that is not all that incorporating holistic processes does to help us find peace. Combining traditional and holistic interventions addresses both the physical aspects of addiction and the wounds inflicted on our emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. These therapies provide us with a comprehensive foundation that can lead us to a more successful and long-lasting recovery.

The Benefits of Finding Peace Through Mindfulness

According to the journal Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, mindfulness techniques are extremely beneficial in the treatment of substance use disorder (SUD). Learning at-home techniques for finding peace has been linked to preventing future relapse as well. Researchers have found that certain neurocognitive mechanisms may be linked to practicing mindfulness in our everyday routines. This may begin to shed some light on the transformative potential of this practice.

There is something soothing about sitting in a quiet, peaceful space and contemplating before beginning a busy day. Just the idea of doing some yoga or some stretching at the end of a long day can cause the brain to release serotonin to calm the mind. Mindfulness helps us cultivate present-moment awareness and aids us in finding peace in our everyday routines. This awareness allows us to better understand our thoughts or emotions, past and present.

When practiced daily, mindfulness helps to create better emotional regulation. Mindfulness helps us manage high levels of stress. This leads to a reduction in feelings of anxiety and an increased level of resilience. We bounce back more quickly when we have a clear and uncluttered mind. In short, we understand ourselves better when we free our minds to succeed in finding peace. This state of mind helps enhance our compassion for ourselves and helps us navigate triggers and cravings more effectively.

Mindfulness, Health, and Addiction Recovery

Within the realm of addiction recovery, there are very clear connections between mindfulness and the overall health of the client. There are physical, mental, and emotional dimensions of the mindfulness journey that help us find peace in our lives. These connections are many, but here are a few of the ways mindfulness benefits us in the treatment and recovery from SUD:

  • Reduces depression and anxiety symptoms
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • Helps people cope with pain
  • Assists in reducing intrusive thoughts
  • Increases present-moment awareness

Mindfulness promotes self-acceptance and increases our ability to focus on our thoughts and priorities. When we integrate mindfulness strategies into substance abuse treatment, it transforms our mental and physical health. Through this practice, we can find peace in many areas of our daily lives.

Finding Peace Through Mindfulness

Mindfulness can help us in many situations. In our world today, it is easy to become bogged down with careers and pursuits that do not hold much intrinsic value. These stressful aspects of our lives can contribute to a host of problems, such as anxiety or depression, insomnia, and even physical symptoms like pain.

Even for people who have practiced mindfulness for a while, it can be challenging to maintain present-moment awareness. We have to remember that mindfulness is like a muscle. It has to be constantly worked to be strong. Striving to find peace every day is a beneficial goal.

How Mindfulness Meditation Assists in Addiction Recovery

One of the biggest ways that mindfulness plays an important role in addiction recovery is in improving impulse control. Bringing present-moment awareness to the forefront of the treatment helps clients to make wiser choices. This mindful focus is more empowering than using traditional treatments alone. As we explain on our website, research even shows that mindfulness can work to rewire the brain.

At First Steps Recovery, we incorporate mindfulness practices into our treatment program along with traditional therapies. By cultivating present-moment awareness and finding peace, individuals learn to engage in a frank analysis of their thoughts and feelings, free of judgment. This no-reactive stance to their inner monologue and feelings helps them to make better conscious choices.

Finding Peace on the Many Paths to Recovery

There are many pathways to healing and recovery and many right ways to recover. The options are as diverse as the world itself. It is important to honor each individual’s preferences in their recovery journey. At First Steps Recovery, we provide many different therapy options tailored to each of our clients to help them find peace in their own way.

Among these options are complementary therapies. These are types of therapy that are performed in addition to traditional medical, talk, and group therapies. They may include art therapy, yoga, massage, acupuncture, exercise, meditation, and even animal therapies. No matter what our therapy journey is or will be, incorporating holistic principles can aid in the successful path to recovery and finding peace.

Whether you have listened to the calming sounds of waves on the shore or sat with your eyes closed as the gentle wind blows on your face, you likely know the benefits of calming the mind and living in the present moment. Our world can seem busy and crazy. Yet, when we take the time to engage in present-moment awareness, we increase our chances of finding peace and achieving a successful recovery from substance abuse. At First Steps Recovery, our complementary therapies provide each of our clients with a holistic treatment package. To learn more about how you can heal inside and out with First Steps Recovery, call (844) 489-0836 today.

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Meet Our Team

From our certified therapists and nurses to our emotional support animal "Cooper", our entire team is dedicated to the health and success of our clients throughout our program and beyond.

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