How Do I Maintain Sobriety Outside of Treatment?

How Do I Maintain Sobriety Outside of Treatment?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Achieving sobriety is a significant milestone in the journey of recovery from addiction. With the completion of treatment, many individuals find themselves with a newfound confidence in their ability to remain sober long-term. However, taking that first step out into the world can be intimidating. 

How do you maintain sobriety after leaving the safe confines of addiction treatment? This blog post will discuss different ways to keep a healthy lifestyle and build a strong foundation for your continued sobriety.

Join a Sobriety Support Group

Joining an outpatient program is one of the best ways to avoid temptation. Outpatient programs allow you to access recovery support services and resources while living in your home or community. According to Occupational Therapy International, the presence of a community increases the chances of long-term sobriety. 

In addition, regular check-ins with a therapist or recovery coach will give you an accountability partner who can help keep you on track. These programs also provide access to addiction education, relapse prevention strategies, and sober social activities. 

Create a Routine

When transitioning from addiction treatment back into the real world, creating a healthy routine is key to maintaining sobriety. Patterns provide structure and normalcy in your life, allowing you to focus on essential tasks, such as attending therapy sessions and participating in support groups. Regular exercise, eating well-balanced meals, and getting enough sleep are all critical components in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, setting daily goals and finding ways to celebrate small successes can help keep you motivated and on track. 

Avoid Temptation

After all the hard work you put into rehabilitation, you must be aware of the temptations and triggers that may still exist in your life. There are several ways to avoid temptation as you go through the recovery process.

Identifying potential triggers and planning how to deal with them is essential. Avoiding people, places, and things that may put you at risk for relapse is key to a successful recovery. Make sure to take care of yourself, both mentally and physically. This includes getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and engaging in stress relief activities. 

Lastly, it is essential to surround yourself with supportive family and friends who understand your journey and can provide love and encouragement. Throughout this journey, it is imperative to remember that sobriety takes time and practice. It’s ok if you slip up. All that matters is getting back on track as soon as possible. 

Seek Professional Help

When it comes to maintaining sobriety outside of treatment, it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do it alone. Seeking professional help is key to staying on track and developing a successful, lasting recovery. Professionals such as counselors, therapists, and psychiatrists can provide guidance and support during this difficult time. 

In addition to professional help, another great way to stay sober is to establish a strong connection with peers in recovery. Having a sound support system made up of friends, family members, and other individuals who understand the challenges of addiction can be incredibly beneficial. This can also be achieved through the outpatient treatment program since it provides an extra layer of accountability. It also allows for access to resources for those in recovery. 

No matter where you are in your journey to recovery, there is always someone willing to help you stay on track. Talking with professionals and forming solid connections are two of the best ways to maintain sobriety outside treatment.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help keep your body and mind strong for long-term sobriety. A balanced diet of whole, unprocessed foods helps promote physical health, improve sleep patterns, and improve mental clarity. Eating meals at regular times and drinking plenty of water throughout the day also helps support your body. In addition, according to The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, exercise is one of the best hobbies to start during substance abuse recovery. Exercise, such as walking, jogging, or yoga, will help you maintain a healthy weight, reduce stress, and help you cope with cravings. 

Making plans focusing on your long-term sobriety can also help you stay on track. This may include finding new hobbies or activities to fill up your time and help distract you from cravings. It could mean spending more time with friends and family who support your recovery. Or it may involve attending meetings and counseling sessions to connect with other people in recovery and receive additional guidance.

You Are Not Alone in Sobriety

First Steps Recovery understands that addiction can cause a person to become disconnected from the world. This is why each individual we serve is viewed through a lens of dignity and compassion. We know that recovery is possible for every person, and will walk with you step-by-step along your journey. 

For First Steps Recovery, sobriety is just one tool in the recovery process. We believe that recovery is about reintegrating into the community. First Steps Recovery is here to help guide you through each recovery process step.

Addiction threatens the stability of security we deserve. Life shouldn’t be a perpetual source of anxiety and struggle. Recovery from addiction is where you can find the gift of peace. We at First Steps Recovery want you to experience the joy of maintaining long-term sobriety. Our facilities were designed to include people from all backgrounds and experiences. We have specialists and educated employees to guide you through the healing process. Rest can be found through rehabilitation. Please contact us if you often use drugs and cannot relax or find serenity. Addiction cannot be overcome on one’s own. You may rely on us for support. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 right away.

Addiction threatens the stability of security we deserve. Life shouldn’t be a perpetual source of anxiety and struggle. Recovery from addiction is where you can find the gift of peace. We at First Steps Recovery want you to experience the joy of maintaining long-term sobriety. Our facilities were designed to include people from all backgrounds and experiences. We have specialists and educated employees to guide you through the healing process. Rest can be found through rehabilitation. Please contact us if you often use drugs and cannot relax or find serenity. Addiction cannot be overcome on one’s own. You may rely on us for support. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 right away.

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