How Do I Maintain Sobriety While Working Remotely?

How Do I Maintain Sobriety While Working Remotely?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

The boom in remote work has given many people the chance to work from the coziness of their homes. However, getting your work done from home can sometimes pose a distinct hurdle if you’re recovering from addiction. This setup can sometimes lead us back to our old habits, which can threaten our sobriety. This blog entry will go over why it’s crucial to form healthy habits to maintain sobriety while working from remote locations.

Understand Your Triggers

When working from home, it’s important to get an idea of what could make you slip back into your old ways. Triggers are anything that might make you crave alcohol or some other substance. These triggers can arise from your body, mind, or emotional state. Pinpointing these triggers is vital so you can tackle them before they take over. Physically, triggers are usually things you come by every day, like specific people, locations, smells, or tastes. For instance, you may have had a drink in the evening at your place, which could then be a physical trigger for you when you are sitting down on the couch at the end of the day.

Mental Triggers

Mental triggers include situations that make you feel stressed out, such as arguments with loved ones, difficult tasks, or just feeling overwhelmed in general. If you feel the urge to drink when you’re feeling mentally chaotic, take a break and calm down first.

Emotional Triggers

Lastly, anything in your past that was hard to handle can activate your emotions. When you remember past situations, you may feel a variety of uncomfortable emotions. Instead of reaching for a substance, though, it’s best to talk to someone about how you feel. To maintain sobriety, you may want to reach out to a supportive person like a counselor or join a support group instead of relying on drugs or alcohol to cope.

Once you know what activates your emotions, you can make a game plan to cope with them and stay on the right track. Sometimes even positive emotions can trigger a desire to use, like the desire to celebrate. In those situations, it’s important to remember that there are better ways to celebrate and enjoy yourself.

Maintain Sobriety by Finding a Partner

When you work alone, having an accountability partner comes in handy. This person could be anyone you trust, like a friend, a family member, or someone from your Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) group that you talk to regularly. They’ll help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

Finding an accountability partner is a key part of avoiding old habits. This partner can give you important mental health reminders, be your cheerleader, and lend a hand whenever needed. Just make sure you pick someone who’s there for you and understands where you’re coming from. With the two of you on the same page, you’ll have a better shot at staying on a sober track.

Create a Routine for Maintaining Sobriety

Making a daily plan is key to remaining sober while working from home. Having a structured routine will help you stay focused and avoid distractions. Don’t forget to schedule the time to take care of yourself, which might involve activities such as exercising, relaxing, or going outside. You might even want to hang out with sober buddies or attend sobriety meetings.

One helpful strategy to maintain sobriety is to start your day by planning your to-do list with deadlines. This will keep you on track and organized. It’s also a good idea to take little breaks during the day to walk, meditate, or do whatever you need to keep grounded. Sleep is also crucial for avoiding cravings. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule to make sure you’re getting enough rest.

Join an Online Support Group to Maintain Sobriety

For a lot of people who are getting back on their feet, working remotely can be pretty lonely. The need to be around people can affect your progress with your sobriety. As such, one great way to keep yourself grounded and on the right path is to join a virtual support group.

Virtual support groups exist for all sorts of different topics, with addiction being one of the main topics. These virtual groups offer a space where you can talk through your struggles and learn from others who have gone through similar experiences. By joining one of these groups, you’ll team up with people who understand where you’re coming from. Many virtual groups have 24/7 availability so you can get support whenever you need it. Also, you’ll have access to resources like articles and videos to help you keep a strong mindset.

Get Professional Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or struggling to maintain sobriety while working remotely, it may be time to reach out to a treatment center like First Steps Recovery. At First Steps Recovery, we provide a safe and comfortable space for you to explore your triggers, develop healthy coping strategies, and build resilience. Our therapists can also provide you with tools and guidance on how to navigate the challenges of sobriety while working from home. Getting professional help is a powerful step toward maintaining your sobriety while working remotely. You don’t have to go through this process alone.

The disease of addiction serves as a reminder of our priorities. The focus of our life should be our health, family, and home. Substance abuse affects all three of those, threatening to steal them away at a moment’s notice. At First Steps Recovery, we are aware of the need to maintain these basic life requirements. We want to assist you in achieving long-term sobriety and help you keep the relationships and possessions you’ve acquired. Our skilled clinicians and professionals know that addiction can take away our most precious assets. Please contact us if you are suffering from substance abuse and we will help you get your life back. Contact First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for information about our services. 

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