How Do I Talk About My Addiction?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Addiction is an incredibly difficult subject to discuss. This is due to the embarrassing or sensitive nature of addictions. However, you can’t afford to go any longer without help. Substance abuse is a destructive habit that does not go away on its own. The only way to be free from addiction is to be transparent and honest with those you love so that you can begin to receive help. Finding support and help is a necessary step toward full rehabilitation. In this blog post, we will explore how to talk about your addiction in a way that encourages understanding and support. No matter the situation, you always have options for treatment.

Why Is It So Hard to Talk About Addiction?

Addiction is naturally followed by a cycle of shame and regret. In many cases, shame leads to substance abuse, then the abuse leads to regret. This cycle slowly leads to isolation. This isolation is one of the most dangerous aspects of addiction. It’s also why it is so difficult to open up about your addiction. You’ve already become isolated and it’s hard to break that isolation and reach out. 

On top of that, the subject of addiction is surrounded by so much negative emotion. There is a tendency to see addiction as a moral failing or lack of character. Because of this stigma, you may find it challenging to be honest about your issues with addiction. You might be concerned that if you discuss your addiction, you will be judged or treated harshly. This is especially true with loved ones, as sometimes they are too close to the problem. However, to find freedom, you must be completely honest with the people in your life. It is not so much a suggestion but rather a moral imperative to talk with the people you care about regarding your addiction.

You can take heart that addiction is quite common. In the United States, ten percent of people report having a substance use problem at some time in their lives, according to a press release by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Millions of people struggle with addiction, but therapy is often avoided because of the shame associated with drug use. 

How Do You Start Talking About Addiction?

Beginning a difficult conversation is never easy, but there are ways to make it more manageable. The best thing to do is to discuss your addiction with an individual instead of a group. Choose a loved one, a family member, or a close friend who you normally feel safe with. Let them know you need to talk with them about something important and make a date for it. This helps lock it in so you will eventually talk with them.

According to the NIH’s website, when speaking to a friend or family member about addiction, it’s best to start by expressing your feelings and thoughts openly and honestly. Tell them why you’re discussing addiction with them, and explain that you value their support. Having conversations about addiction can be difficult, but they are essential for understanding how best to manage and cope with addiction. Remember to practice self-care throughout the process.

What if I Am Not Ready to Talk About My Addiction?

It can be so easy to ignore your habits and keep treating your addiction as a minor issue. This is because of the fear of judgment or misunderstanding from those you care the most about. However, the fact is that you may never feel ready to talk about addiction. That is what makes it so important to be open even when it’s difficult.

If you don’t feel ready to talk to someone close to you, consider seeking help from professionals. Trained professionals understand your struggles and will provide non-judgmental support and advice. Furthermore, they can also connect you with additional resources and treatment options.

The best thing you can do for your future is to open up to someone you trust. This disrupts the cycle of shame and regrets that addiction creates. It may be a difficult moment to first start the conversation, but it will likely become easier once it is out in the open.

There Are Always Options for Treatment

No matter what stage of addiction you are in, there is always hope. Furthermore, no matter who you may or may not have in your life, you are never alone. At First Steps Recovery, we want to help you and provide you with a safe place to heal. We offer an individualized approach to recovery with evidence-based treatments and therapies that can help you find lasting sobriety.

Our professional counselors and therapists are here to support you every step of the way. We also have a wide range of programs that provide structure and support. Our experienced staff will work with you to create a customized plan that best suits your needs. If you have any concerns, we ask that you please contact us and ask as many questions as necessary. We want you to feel at home with our treatment.

Communication is difficult on its own, even without the presence of substance abuse. It is difficult to know where to start and how to bring it up. First Steps Recovery recognizes your needs. We have trained staff members who know what it’s like to be trapped in worry and uncertainty. As you make a decision to receive treatment at our facility, you will find yourself with a great starting place for healing. Often this begins with detox, then inpatient treatment, and lastly, outpatient treatment. Each step is made to meet your needs and expectations so you feel secure in your long-term healing. If you are looking for addiction treatment, please reach out to First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836

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