How Does First Steps Recovery Implement Women-Specific Treatment?

How Does First Steps Recovery Implement Women-Specific Treatment?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Recovering from substance use disorders (SUDs) can be very tasking. It is important to figure out the root causes of one’s addiction in order to fully heal. Getting to these underlying factors and feeling comfortable opening up about them can be challenging. Many times, women have an easier time uncovering trauma and being honest about their feelings than men. However, even women often need to be in a certain type of environment in order to be comfortable fully revealing their thoughts and feelings. This environment is available at facilities that offer women-specific treatment.

At First Steps Recovery, the staff works to create a safe space for women to heal and discuss their feelings. The team recognizes that women have different needs than men. For that reason, First Steps Recovery works to provide the necessary accommodations for women.

Women-Specific Treatment at First Steps Recovery

Since women and men have different needs in the recovery journey, First Steps Recovery curates individualized treatment plans to ensure the most effective care for all clients. The team understands that it is often easier for women to be open and honest about underlying emotional or mental factors that contribute to their addiction.

For this reason, rather than only focusing on the symptoms of addiction, the staff works with clients in a warm, relational manner that addresses the whole person. In this way, the staff helps clients feel more comfortable opening up and truly having a chance at healing. This women-specific treatment approach helps ensure long-lasting sobriety in recovery.

To aid women in this process of self-discovery and self-healing, the staff uses a trauma-informed lens. This creates a safe space for women to express themselves and work through emotional hardships.

A Trauma-Informed Lens

Clients often struggle with addiction because of previous trauma that motivated them to turn to alcohol or substances. The team at First Steps Recovery works with clients to help uncover these traumas and work through them to heal their mental well-being. Women often struggle with trauma alongside addiction. For instance, women may experience abuse, childhood trauma, sexual violence, or neglect earlier in life. Taking a trauma-informed lens helps women feel safe to talk about these experiences and work through them in an effective manner.

Rather than focus exclusively on the trauma itself or addiction symptoms, the staff works with women to create achievable goals. Often women will lose their sense of self when in recovery and treatment. First Steps Recovery creates a treatment plan that helps women figure out who they want to be now that they are sober. The staff then helps women work toward embodying that image. This is prioritized in women-specific treatment. Formulating achievable goals helps women make strides in recovery and use their time in treatment as productively as possible.

The trauma-informed lens emphasizes patient empowerment, choice, collaboration, safety, and trust. Women’s strengths are used to their benefit, reminding them of their control and success in recovery while continuing to push forward. Clients are also allowed to explore treatment and therapy options to optimize their recovery journey, working together with their team. First Steps Recovery also ensures that the environment for clients is safe both physically and emotionally. One’s treatment plan is also discussed with clients to ensure everyone involved is on the same page and that everyone’s expectations are clear.

Clinical and Holistic Options for Women-Specific Treatment

At First Steps Recovery, clients have both clinical and holistic options for treatment available to them. First Steps Recovery offers individual psychotherapy, individual drug and alcohol counseling, group therapy, group counseling, individual case management, and psychological assessments. For holistic care, clients have trips and outings, recreation, art, classes on health and wellness, relapse prevention, yoga, horseback riding, music, and wilderness experience to pair with their clinical treatment.

Though women are more open about their feelings and thoughts, talk therapy and clinical methods aren’t always enough. Women need a variety of ways to address the underlying issues that result in addiction. These holistic options provide those outlets for self-exploration and healing. Although men also benefit from these therapies, having them available in women-specific treatment programs is essential.

Healing the Whole Person

The protection and safety of women at First Steps Recovery are prioritized. The facility at First Steps Recovery is equipped to ensure clients feel safe and comfortable to maximize the healing process. First Steps Recovery uses the natural beauty below Yosemite National Park to provide this comforting and serene environment. When paired with holistic care that involves clients exploring nature around them, this peaceful environment encourages healing.

First Steps Recovery focuses on healing the whole person, which can only be done in a safe and secure environment. Using the serene setting paired with individualized care allows all clients to succeed in recovery. For women, having this peaceful environment helps them ground themselves to explore their identity and develop a stronger sense of self.

At First Steps Recovery, we provide amenities to promote a safe environment for women. Women have different needs than men in recovery and are often more likely to be open about their thoughts and feelings. This is a strength that we build upon by providing a safe and secure environment, holistic healing options, and beautiful surroundings. We also help women foster a new identity and sense of strength. We curate individualized treatment plans to optimize recovery and encourage long-lasting sobriety. For women, pairing clinical approaches to treatment with holistic care helps them maintain a sense of self. To learn more about women-specific treatment at First Steps Recovery, please call (844) 489-0836.

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