Is Sober Enough: What Does it Mean to Transform In Sobriety?

Is Sober Enough: What Does It Mean to Transform in Sobriety?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Fighting addiction is not just fighting urges in the short term. It is finding a solution for the future. This is what is meant by long-term sobriety. Many patients don’t realize that long-term sobriety delivers more than just peace of mind. It is the path to the complete restoration of health. Holistic healing is an overlooked benefit of addiction treatment.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) describes recovery as “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential.” This article will discuss how recovery can help you reach your full potential by restoring your body and brain. In addition, experiencing these benefits can motivate you to continue daily healthy habits, which continue throughout sobriety.

Mental Clarity

One of the most significant benefits of addiction treatment is mental clarity. As detox is completed and you are admitted to inpatient care, you can feel your cognitive abilities restored. One of the areas affected by addiction is the cerebral cortex.

This part of the brain is responsible for thought, critical thinking, and decision-making. The cerebral cortex also processes sensory information like taste, touch, and smell. When these are no longer affected by the cloud of addiction, you can perceive information more clearly. This leads to more informed decisions. Not only will this benefit you in staying sober, but you will be able to make healthy choices for yourself.

More Energy

Depressants such as marijuana and heroin have the most significant effect on the central nervous system. They interfere with the messages between the body and the brain, slowing down the system. This numbs the senses and emotions.

When the drug wears off, you are a more irritable individual. These drugs can directly affect the limbic system, which is responsible for feelings and sensations. Eating and exercise are the normal activators of this system. Once weened off of substances, the function is returned to the limbic system. Not only does this return your energy, but it produces natural dopamine in your system.

Better Sleep

The effects of stimulants, such as cocaine and amphetamines, can severely damage your natural sleep cycle. It blocks the receptors in your brain that recognize drowsiness, causing you to stay up for days at a time. This is worsened by the combination of depressants that create artificial rest.

Abstinence restores function to the brain stem, which is responsible for regulatory functions of the body like breathing, heart rate, and sleep. When this is restored, your body finds its natural sleep cycle and can feel drowsiness naturally. The complete restoration of your sleep may take time, but with more mental clarity and health of the limbic system, you will feel the full effects of recovery.

Clearer Skin

One of the downsides of substance abuse is the damage it does to your skin. While it may only be external, it still marks the body that represents you. Since the skin is your body’s largest organ, it is affected when the organs responsible for detoxification run over time. It spills over from our internal organs to our skin

Thankfully, our detox organs are no longer overrun with toxins after detox treatment. The internal state is then mirrored by the external condition. As our skin sheds old cells and the toxins work out of the system, our bodies return to a healthier glow.

Stronger Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) states that addiction and poor mental health are often co-occurring problems. There is no one reason for this phenomenon. Substance abuse may not be the problem but a symptom of mental health problems. As you go through treatment, resolving past issues and addressing mental health concerns can help achieve sobriety and start you on the pathway to recovery.

Patients can be free from addiction through group therapy, individual therapy, and counseling. This improved mental health perpetuates sobriety, keeping you free from the negative cycle that comes with substance abuse. Better mental health is one of the best benefits of long-term sobriety. As your physical state returns to complete health, your mental state follows suit.

Choosing Sobriety

The health benefits of sobriety listed above can be a reality for you. Being back to complete health requires a simple decision. That decision is choosing addiction treatment. When you make a choice to fight substance dependency, you are fighting for your future.

First Steps Recovery provides detox, inpatient treatment, and outpatient services. The facility is curated to serve you in every way you may need. First Steps Recovery also recognizes the importance of therapy, providing group and individual counseling. Addiction recovery is a holistic experience. It will improve your health and help you preserve a longer life.

We may know that addiction is hurting us. Yet, we never understand the full extent of its damages until we are on the path to recovery. We want to pull you out of the delusion that addiction is not serious. It is a damaging habit that can affect your life expectancy. We are dedicated to restoring your mind, body, and spirit after substance abuse. Our mission is to deliver the reality of freedom that comes with long-term sobriety. If you believe you are struggling with addiction, please consider addiction treatment for yourself and your future. For more information about our services facilities, please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 to speak to a representative. 

We may know that addiction is hurting us. Yet, we never understand the full extent of its damages until we are on the path to recovery. We want to pull you out of the delusion that addiction is not serious. It is a damaging habit that can affect your life expectancy. We are dedicated to restoring your mind, body, and spirit after substance abuse. Our mission is to deliver the reality of freedom that comes with long-term sobriety. If you believe you are struggling with addiction, please consider addiction treatment for yourself and your future. For more information about our services facilities, please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 to speak to a representative. 

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