Raising Kids as a Recovering Parent

Raising Kids as a Recovering Parent

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

As you recover from substance abuse and prioritize your sobriety, there is a delicate balance between raising kids and prioritizing your mental health. It’s a precarious tightrope to walk, but it’s possible to handle both your sobriety and your obligations as a parent. In this blog piece, we’ll examine ways to make space for your mental health without dropping the ball on your parental responsibilities. As you get better at this, you can help create an entire family that is happy and healthy.

The Importance of Mental Health

Being a parent in recovery means taking care of your mental health as one of your top priorities. Having many parental responsibilities can be tough, and if you’re not mindful it can send you spiraling into negativity. Mental health is just as crucial as physical health. As such, you should treat your mental health like it matters. Looking after your mental health will help you stay on the path to sobriety and be a more present and compassionate parent.

Your mental health sets the stage for a strong parenting environment that nourishes your kids and helps them grow. Strong mental health enables better communication between mom and both dad and children. It also helps to keep you sharp and adaptable in chaotic situations. When you model good mental health practices, you show your kids how to do the same thing for themselves.

How to Take Time for Yourself While Raising Kids

One way to get some time to yourself is to connect with other moms and dads. Being a parent in recovery is a real challenge, and it’s crucial to have others around you who get it. Connecting with other recovering parents can give you some much-needed support and insight into the struggles you’re facing. Other parents may also have some wisdom to share as to how to manage schedules and stress in a healthy manner.

Another trick that can help is to establish a solid routine for your kids. By setting up a consistent schedule, you can give your little ones some stability and structure while freeing up some time for yourself. This can be achieved by setting an earlier bedtime so you have a few hours to yourself. You can also plan to get up earlier to set your day in motion before the kids wake. Sometimes you need to do something more than steal these small moments, though. Sometimes you need to make a decision to ask for help.

When to Seek Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the demands of raising kids and you’re not sure you’re doing everything right, don’t be afraid to call for help. In fact, that should be your go-to decision when life becomes too hard to handle. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), community and family connections are crucial for long-term recovery. Without a web of support, it is easy to fall back into a relapse. Seeking advice can help you come up with parenting tips that promote your kids’ development and help you build a strong and happy bond with them.

At First Steps Recovery, we recognize the need for help in troubling times. It is important to remember that asking for help is one of the most powerful things you can do. This proves that you’re strong enough to know when you need a hand. Ultimately, this will lead to a healthier environment for you and your children.

Resources for You While Raising Kids

One way you can get support is by attending meetings for parents in recovery. Programs like Al-Anon, Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) are all about getting together to share stories and provide encouragement. There’s also an online program called SMART Recovery that uses science-based techniques to help people take control of their recovery.

If you need more than just moral support, there are loads of different specialists and counselors at First Steps Recovery who can help you get back to where you want to be. Many of these specialists even have a special focus on working with parents. Whatever you do, don’t give up hope. There are many people out there who care and want to help you succeed.

Struggling With Sobriety

If you find that you are continually struggling with sobriety to the point where you dwell on your cravings throughout the day, we urge you to contact our facilities. The stability you wish to provide for your family can be seriously threatened by the presence of an addiction. We want to ensure your and your family’s safety during your recovery process.

If you fear you may be on the verge of using an addictive substance, please reach out. You may need to take time to enter a rehab facility. You may be able to leave your children in the hands of a trusted family member or loyal friend. We understand the pressure that comes with parenthood and we want to help you thrive.

As a parent, we know you put your family first. However, you matter too. When you take care of your mental health and wellness, your family benefits. Our staff at First Steps Recovery is focused first and foremost on your physical and emotional well-being. You have goals for your life and we want to help you achieve them, including lasting health and wellness. We have the necessary resources to promote the success of every member of your family. All that is needed is for you to choose your own well-being. You deserve a brighter future and freedom from addiction. For more information about our tranquil facilities surrounded by acres of farmland, please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836

As a parent, we know you put your family first. However, you matter too. When you take care of your mental health and wellness, your family benefits. Our staff at First Steps Recovery is focused first and foremost on your physical and emotional well-being. You have goals for your life and we want to help you achieve them, including lasting health and wellness. We have the necessary resources to promote the success of every member of your family. All that is needed is for you to choose your own well-being. You deserve a brighter future and freedom from addiction. For more information about our tranquil facilities surrounded by acres of farmland, please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836

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