
Common Reasons People Are Scared to Get Sober

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

It’s easy to see that we exist in a world where change is habitual and every individual that surrounds us has their own set of motives. It can be hard to trust others or even grab a conception of the human population and what it’s about. Can we relate to this person? Have they ever gone through the same trials and tribulations as me? Do they see the same things that I see? Every human being that is currently living or has ever lived is made up of a different genetic composition than the last. That being said, we all love differently and in diverse capacities. Certain things may make one person happy and not the next. Along with these differences noted in people, we now introduce fear into the equation. All people have varying levels of fear and what really intimidates or scares them. Sometimes fear is the appropriate response but an overwhelming number of times, they are irrational fears created out of another existing fear. Being scared to get sober is a large trepidation that many blow way out of proportion for too long to count.

Much of the time, human beings like to assume as they let their imaginations take full throttle. We are observant animals for the most part but this tends to get in the way with our character defects such as arrogance, humility, and open-mindedness. We hear and see what we want to hear and see. Then we build off the subject matter in our heads and often times conjure an alternate story in our minds. Then we mix our pipe dreams with reality and we have concocted a perfect set of fears and insidious ideas. It can be easier to break down for some than others, but I digress.

Don’t Let Your Addiction Create Smoke and Mirrors

When somebody has manufactured the idea of being scared to get sober, it is usually the same excuses used for most addicts and alcoholics. Frequently in the rooms of alcoholics or narcotics anonymous programs, somebody brings their fear of detoxification to the table. This is the case for many people active in their chemical dependency. It’s not easy knowing that we are completely useless if our body doesn’t get the fix it craves. We used on and off for years and built up a tolerance to our substance du jour. It gets to a point in addiction and alcoholism where we don’t even enjoy the chemicals we’re ingesting. The drugs and booze aren’t doing the trick anymore but we have to keep using or we’ll begin to shut down. Once the body is physically dependent on something and you can’t be yourself without it- now that’s a scary thought. As you may know, this is not natural though. The human body is an adaptive creature and ends up becoming accustomed to the poison being thrown inside of it daily. Then when said poison disappears, the body goes into shock. This uncomfortable shock of withdrawals is temporary though, for nothing in life is permanent except death. It’s a matter of hydrating and taking care of the body as the intoxicants are titrated out of our systems.

scared woman

Many of us used drugs and alcohol because we wanted to feel comfortably numb. Dealing with emotions was problematic, and the way we felt about ourselves was sprinkled with shame and even more fear. In a lot of cases, many addicts and alcoholics have repressed psychological issues to deal with or just feel poorly overall of the life they’ve manifested. Self-esteem takes a big hit when we feel worthless because getting high and drunk is all we seem to be versed in. Having the impending fear of doom and/or failure weighs heavy on various people in the rooms. Some build it up on the inside and convince themselves that they will fail if they try to get clean or do anything for that matter. They will fail at getting high and they will fail if they try this sobriety thing. The key part to all of those sentences though is “try”. The growth starts right there when we are able to push one’s self to the point of trying something even if it is an uncomfortable experience. The fact that we tried proves that there is a part of us yearning for the other side of the road here.

Then there are the countless thousands of people who use their substance as a social crutch. They think to themselves that it’s the only way to be confident to talk to somebody of the opposite sex. Or even that nobody will like them or find them funny once the booze and powders are gone. Addicts and alcoholics will usually admit that the substances made them feel more comfortable around people. They felt more understood or enjoyed more. This may be the perception but it doesn’t make it fact. Very much of the time when we’re getting loaded we see things in a different light than somebody with a clearer mind. Sometimes we think we’re the life of the party when really we’re just being loud and obnoxious. Or we think that we look really good at the time but in reality, everybody is shaking their heads in disappointment. The addict or alcoholic is scared in sobriety over losing friends and changing playgrounds. In all actuality, this is one of the lamest excuses used. In more times than not, we learn once we get clean, that the people we considered “friends” aren’t there for us. They don’t want to understand us in our darkest of silences but more so be there for the fun and thrilling times. We find that upon getting clean, our definitions of love and friendship change dramatically for the better. It’s amazing to see what we fear before and after sobriety because the difference is yin and yang.

Don’t Let the Excuses Stop Your Life

When we fear it is because it’s something we seek in our lives. Don’t allow the fear of sobriety or trying to become sober prevent you from living the life you truly desire. Addiction and alcoholism add up and will only continue to tower the fear and torment over your head. If you or a loved one is struggling with chemical dependency and are ready for help, please call 1-844-489-0836 or visit www.firststepsrecovery.com. We are ready to give you any suggestions possible and set you or your loved one on a path that can be fearless and free.  

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