The Social Taboo of Addiction

The Social Taboo of Addiction

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

In a society that views reality through movies and popular culture, there is a flurry of theories regarding addiction and its effects. This has morphed over the decades, creating false depictions of addiction through media. The shame that follows addiction and seeking treatment has been an unnecessary roadblock to recovery. This broad brush has done damage to those that need help. In an attempt to dispel these false assumptions, this article will discuss a few statements that have been attributed to addiction. We will disprove the stigma that follows these beliefs and discuss why treatment is invaluable to happiness.

“Addiction Is Rare”

One stigma connected to addiction is the belief that addiction only affects a small minority of Americans. However, according to NIH, 10% of Americans have struggled or are currently struggling with a drug use disorder. That is more than 23 million Americans. This amount is not small. It shows the intense need for addiction treatment because it no longer affects a small portion of cases. It may not affect you, but it could affect a friend, family member, or someone you love. This makes our vigilance of its presence all the more critical.

It doesn’t take a lot for addiction to take hold. The addiction of others can easily slip under the radar. Our ability to detect its presence, with the empathy of understanding its effects many, is the first step to dispelling this myth. Understanding that addiction is not a rare genetic disorder but an epidemic that could affect someone near you could make a difference in someone’s health.

“Addiction Is Incurable”

The second stigma connected to dependence is the belief that once someone is addicted, there are no options for getting better. According to a study conducted by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 75% of adults who deal with substance abuse report being in recovery. In 2020, the study revealed that 3 out of 4 people who experience addiction recover. While addiction causes a lot of damage to the user, treatment options show success. The choice to get better from substance abuse shows that the user is seeking a healthier lifestyle. That mentality has brought many back from addiction.

Addiction is not a life sentence. It is a state that needs to be treated, just like a medical diagnosis. Although we may have a disease, that does not mean we do not get help. We must seek treatment because it will bring us back to health. This can only happen when we believe that treatment does make us better, ruling out whatever the cause was of the addiction. Treatment is meant to identify this cause so that it will lose its power in our lives.

“Addiction Is a Character Defect”

After all the pop stars and cultural icons that have died from drug use, there is this belief that those who depend on substances are bad people. We attribute addiction’s presence to a character flaw, which perpetuates the idea that people can not get better or achieve lasting recovery. This is fueled when we see prominent societal figures affected by addiction. It leads us to believe these are the majority of the cases, not realizing that those in the limelight are even more perceptible to addictions stigmas.

Addiction is a multi-faceted issue. It cannot be pinpointed to one issue of the character. Addiction is influenced by genetic makeup, environmental factors, chemical makeup, and personal background. Sometimes this is all at once. It is a confluence of events that come together in a way that handicaps us. That does not mean that these factors control our recovery. It means that blaming our character does not benefit our healing. This reasoning can keep us stuck. On that same point, the ability to reach full recovery is not determined by our genetic makeup. Anybody can recover from addiction, no matter the variables.

Finding Recovery

It is easy to fall under the weight of society’s judgment. The hardest part of recovery can often be the voices surrounding us, feeding us the same lies we hear through the news or media. Yet, the fact of the matter is we all deserve a healthy and happy life. When we are controlled by our addictions, happiness always feels out of reach. Seeking treatment is the first step towards finding your liberty. Crucially, it is the key to our happiness.

At First Steps Recovery, we understand how crucial treatment is to your life. That is why we offer a myriad of services starting from detox and ending in outpatient recovery. We understand that during recovery, you need a space to work through the issues and causes of addiction. You can be free from addiction, and importantly, you can be free from the stigma.

Society may have its views of addiction, but your case is purely unique. At First Steps Recovery, we understand that not everyone’s dependence looks the same. We curate our treatment and process to you, finding the best ways to treat the root of your addiction. We offer detox, inpatient recovery, and outpatient recovery, leading you through every step of the healing process. We want to work with you to identify the different aspects of addiction in your life. If you are searching for treatment, please reach out to our facility. The choice for treatment can be the difference between bondage and freedom. To find more information about First Steps Recovery, call (844) 489-0836.

Society may have its views of addiction, but your case is purely unique. At First Steps Recovery, we understand that not everyone’s dependence looks the same. We curate our treatment and process to you, finding the best ways to treat the root of your addiction. We offer detox, inpatient recovery, and outpatient recovery, leading you through every step of the healing process. We want to work with you to identify the different aspects of addiction in your life. If you are searching for treatment, please reach out to our facility. The choice for treatment can be the difference between bondage and freedom. To find more information about First Steps Recovery, call (844) 489-0836.

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