resources recovering addict

Top 6 Resources to Help Families Support a Recovering Addict

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

The anguish of watching your child or sibling (or other family member) go through the devastation of addiction pierces deep into a person’s wounded heart. Having to watch the unraveling of someone we dearly love, watching destructive decisions wreck havoc. It feels so hopeless. And families feel helpless.

So once a loved one has decided to choose recovery, it is like light at the end of a twisted tunnel. But most families know, the journey isn’t over. Their loved one is at the beginning of the best decision of their lives. But it will also have its share of struggles. So how can they help?

Addiction is a family disease. So it is vital the entire family is educated and engaged in the recovery process of their loved one. If you are a family member of a drug addict or alcoholic, we highly recommend these resources to help you better understand your role in your family member’s recovery.

  1. Al-Anon 

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is for alcoholics and Al-Anon is for their families. Also known as Al-Anon Family Groups, here you will find resources and meetings to share stories. They “help families of alcoholics by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic.”

  1. Nar-Anon For Family Members

Similar to the difference between AA and Al-Anon, Nar-anon (also known as Nar-Anon Family Groups) is for the family of drug addicts. If your family member is addicted to alcohol, then Al-Anon is for you. If your loved one is addicted to other narcotics then Nar-Anon is the place you should go. Narcotics Anonymous

  1. National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – Family and Friends

The NCADD is a valuable resource for millions of people struggling with alcoholism and addiction. Their “family and friends” section offers articles, information, conference information, and more.

  1. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

The NIAAA supports and conducts research on the impact of alcohol use on human health and well-being. It is the largest funder of alcohol research in the world. Here family members and loved ones will find education services and vital information on learning about the wide-ranging affects of alcohol abuse.

  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse 

The sister site of the NIAAA, the NIDA advances science on the causes and consequences of drug use and addiction and to apply that knowledge to improve individual and public health. Find information, guidance, meetings, and more with the overall focus on drug abuse as opposed to alcohol.

  1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is charged with improving the quality and availability of treatment and rehabilitative services in order to reduce illness, death, disability, and the cost to society resulting from substance abuse and mental illnesses.

We Can Help

Addiction in a loved one is one of the most difficult trials you will ever face. Please let us help you in this process. Call us today for information and guidance on what your next steps should be: 844-489-0836.

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