Donald Trump’s 4-Point Plan That Could Affect Addiction and Recovery

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Any presidential inauguration will deliver a degree of uncertainty and wariness. It’s change, and change requires readjustment. Like any American President, Donald Trump will impact issues both in the U.S. and across the globe, so what does his ascendancy mean for those struggling with addiction or on the road to recovery?

As with any type of post-campaign brass-tacks reality, there will be a period of waiting-and-seeing. However, we do have a 4-point plan offered in October 2016 that outlined what could be ahead in how the current administration intends to confront the opioid epidemic in this country. Other than closing borders to curb the flow of drugs, what do we know? At a rally in Portsmouth New Hampshire, he said, “We will not only stop the drugs from pouring in, but we will help all of those people so seriously addicted get the assistance they need to unchain themselves.”

So how does he plan to accomplish this? In addition to claiming to support the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, Trump outlined a 4-point plan to stop the drug epidemic. Here are the basics of those points and what it could mean to you and your loved ones.

Trump’s 4-point plan to stop the opioid drug epidemic includes:

  1. Stop the flow of illegal drugs into the country.

Whether through a wall or other means, promises were made to stop drugs from flowing into American communities. This includes deporting (if applicable) illegal immigrant drug traffickers and trying to dismantle the strongholds that protect the cartels.

  1. Further stop the flow of illegal drugs into the country

Trump went on to open the discussion beyond walls and drug dealers currently within the United States and focused on China and the mail. Point two focuses on closing shipping loopholes that foreign countries exploit to send dangerous drugs across our borders. Not to mention he wants to take a closer look at the postal service and the flow of narcotics through other means. How? All we know is that law enforcement will be given “the tools they need to accomplish this mission.”

  1. Change the rules for drugs used in recovery.

Admitting that addiction is life threatening, the President sees the benefit of doing whatever possible to help addicts break the addiction. “Recovery medications have the potential to save thousands and thousands of lives,” said Trump. He wants to allow doctors to prescribe more of these drugs to more patients.

  1. Add to the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act

Trump had positive remarks about the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, but he would also like to add to it. Among other things, updates would include giving courts the option to enforce mandated treatment for addicts, changes to Medicaid so addicts can find recovery in inpatient programs, give people struggling with addiction access to the help they need, as well giving first responders more access to Narcan a drug used in emergency overdose situations.

A Critical Discussion

Basically, the 4-point plan to stop the opioid epidemic does indeed include a “wall.” But it also includes harsher penalties for drug dealers, less manufacturing of opioid medication, halting the inflow of products that people use to make those drugs, giving wider access to recovery related medications, and greater access to recovery programs. None of this is exceptionally original but could prove to be good steps. Again, there will be a certain amount of waiting involved, but for now, let’s keep up this critical discussion—ensuring there is help for those fighting for their lives and looking for lasting recovery.

Do you or a loved one need treatment for drug addiction and alcoholism? Call the trained professionals at First Steps Recovery, now: 1-844-489-0836.

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