What Does Recovery Look Like for Pregnant Women?

What Does Recovery Look Like for Pregnant Women?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Recovery as a pregnant woman can be extremely challenging. Pregnant women may be dealing with both physical and mental strain during this period, causing them to feel disconnected from their families and the recovery journey. With the right care and support, though, recovery is possible. Recovery is crucial not only for pregnant women to create a happier life but also for the well-being of their families and children.

First Steps Recovery prioritizes women-centered care, and personalized treatment plans are created for every client. When pregnant women seek treatment, their current phase of life is taken into careful consideration when implementing detoxification and treatment programs. Whole-person care is of utmost importance, especially with pregnant women whose health affects more than just themselves.

Starting Treatment as a Pregnant Woman

Starting recovery as a pregnant woman can be nerve-wracking, and it is important to remember that seeking treatment is not only caring for oneself but also for the baby. In that process, it is important to enlist people who make you feel safe and comfortable. It’s important to keep family members, one’s obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN), social workers from the hospital, and other professionals aware and in the loop. This type of support system is vital in creating optimal treatment outcomes for pregnant women.

Planning safe care for oneself and one’s baby is key during recovery. Plan of Safe Care (POSC), for instance, is one care option from the federal government that can be beneficial to pregnant women and their babies. This program ensures that the family is aware of the services necessary for the mother to be healthy, for the baby to be healthy, and for the family to thrive.

Recovery is a lifelong process, and pregnancy adds another level of complexity to the challenge. Staying connected to one’s team and including loved ones in the process can be very beneficial. Another element that can improve one’s recovery experience when pregnant is having women-focused care.

Women-Focused Care at First Steps Recovery

At First Steps Recovery, gender-specific care is offered and prioritized. Recovery looks very different for men and women – especially pregnant women. There are certain phases of life and circumstances women share that men do not experience. At the facility, gender-specific care starts at the beginning, during the detoxification phase.

Detoxification and Residential Treatment for Pregnant Women

Medical detoxification or detox is the first step of recovery at First Steps Recovery. The detox process helps clients remove their physical dependency on the substance at hand. Sometimes this newfound sobriety can lead to withdrawal symptoms or general discomfort. It is important to go through detox in a supervised setting, which First Steps Recovery offers. Clients also have access to group and individual counseling, psychological assessments, and case management in this supervised setting.

After detox, which lasts at least one week, clients who need more hands-on care and continuous supervision after exiting detox are referred to residential treatment care (RTC). RTC is entirely in person and the program duration depends on the needs of the client. Clients are exposed to clinical and holistic services that embody the whole-person approach to care. These services, when combined, provide clients with healthy coping mechanisms they can use outside of treatment.

These two programs that start early in the recovery process provide pregnant women with comfort and security. Pregnancy can lead to many heightened emotions, which for some may lead to impulsivity and relapse. This is unsafe for the client as well as the baby. Having a secure and safe environment, though, helps clients stay on the right track. Stability is key, and First Steps Recovery provides that.

Holistic Care For Pregnant Women: Yoga Therapy

One of the holistic services that First Steps Recovery offers is yoga therapy. Being exposed to these different services helps clients connect with themselves in a different way. Women can develop new insights and explore the roots of their addiction or mental health issues. Holistic care also introduces women to healthy coping mechanisms they can rely on once they leave the facility.

Through controlled breathing and body movement, clients learn to pay closer attention to themselves, their minds, and their bodies. When experiencing overwhelming emotions or thoughts, clients use yoga therapy to re-center themselves and ground themselves in the present moment. This can help clients overcome any challenges that present themselves during recovery.

For pregnant women, practicing yoga is helpful for coping with anxiety, stress, depression, and other overwhelming feelings. Pregnancy leads to a number of changes in one’s physiological, social, and emotional selves. When addiction or mental health disorders are also present, these changes can be heightened. Yoga is a practice that involves the mind, body, and spirit, and improves one’s physical activity as well as mental-emotional well-being. The practice helps ease the mind and body simultaneously, benefiting both pregnancy and recovery.

Here at First Steps Recovery, we understand that pregnancy is a challenging part of a woman’s life. Pregnant women coping with addiction or mental health recovery need personalized care, safety, and stability. We provide that from the beginning of our program, during the detoxification phase. Beginning with this first phase of recovery, First Steps Recovery offers gender-specific care to ensure women feel safe and heard at the facility. We also expose clients to a number of stress-relieving holistic services, such as yoga therapy, that can help pregnant women physically, mentally, and emotionally. For more information about women-specific care, coping with recovery while pregnant, and services recommended for pregnant women, please call us at (844) 489-0836.

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