lonely girl

What Is A Reservation And How Does It Affect My Recovery?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

What Is A Reservation?

When someone talks about a reservation, what they mean is that the person is holding something back. You’ve likely had reservations in the past; for example, maybe you weren’t sure about kissing a new boyfriend or girlfriend, were unsure about making a purchase, or were having reservations about taking a trip to a new location. These are all kinds of situations where you’re either uncomfortable or uncertain, and they’re completely normal.

Why Does a Reservation Hold You Back?

Even though a reservation is a normal feeling, it can hurt your recovery. Someone with a reservation in recovery is likely working out a way to turn back to drug or alcohol abuse in the case that recovery doesn’t work out. A common thought might be, “well, if I don’t feel better after the three-month program, I can just go back to drinking,” or “I can always use a single hit or shot if I need it without getting addicted again.” These are dangerous thoughts because they are preventing the individual from fully recovering. The only way to really overcome an addiction is to recognize that it is hurting you and those around you; you need to want to be free of it completely.

Will Having a Reservation Make Me More Likely to Relapse?

It’s possible, but it’s not certain. Sometimes, reservations can be good. For instance, you can use the choice you’re making to your benefit. A good example would be if someone was bulimic. That person might feel that it’s okay to eat normally now and to gain some weight because there is a way to eliminate it again. However, through the program, the individual should learn healthy ways to manage eating to avoid turning back to the negative and harmful behavior.

Sometimes, reservations can make it more likely that you’ll relapse. For instance, if you feel like you can just take a drink if a new medication isn’t working right, you’re going to find yourself on the path to alcohol addiction again. You need to come to terms with the fact that there are healthier ways to manage your health and let go of those reservations to heal.

girl sitting with hands over her face

What Can I Do to Eliminate Reservations?

The first step in eliminating reservations is to admit that you have them. You need to understand that having a reservation is okay, but you need to work past it as well. You shouldn’t mislead yourself or others about the extent of your recovery. If you still have anxiety about wanting to turn back to drugs or alcohol, this is something your therapist and medical team can help you with. You don’t have to deal with that reservation alone.

Once you can acknowledge that you have a reservation, it’s important to understand why you’re having it. What’s the purpose of that reservation, and why can’t you seem to let it go? What do you fear happening?

Sometimes, just recognizing a reservation and admitting that you’re nervous or anxious about it can be enough to allow you to work past it. If not, you can break down the reservation and begin figuring out what you need to do to eliminate it and stop yourself from returning to dangerous behaviors.

Remember that your recovery isn’t a linear act. You won’t simply keep getting better all the time; there are going to be bumps in the road. Reservations may be eliminated and then crop up again. New issues may arise and old ones could resurface. It’s important that you don’t see this as a negative event; you have a chance to overcome new issues and to continue to grow. You’ll be able to learn more about yourself and focus on the ways you need to change to live a healthier and happier lifestyle that you’re proud to be part of. With the right support from your recovery center, you can move past these reservations and be on the path to a healthy recovery that you can believe in.

Where Can I Get More Help With Any Reservations I Have?

If you believe someone you know is struggling with an addiction and wants to seek out treatment, it’s important to take steps toward helping them do just that. It’s possible that with the right support and encouragement, your loved one will take the steps needed to participate in an inpatient or outpatient program for recovery. To find out more about the programs that are located near you, you can visit our helpful service online at firststepsrecovery.com to learn more about drug and alcohol addiction, or call our specialists today to learn more by dialing 1-844-489-0836. Drug and alcohol addiction can be managed, and sobriety is possible, even if someone is struggling with a reservation.


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