Why Consistency is Key to Sobriety

Why Consistency is Key to Sobriety

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Consistency is key when it comes to addiction recovery. You may struggle at times to make the necessary lifestyle changes that will lead to long-term sobriety. However, it is through developing healthy habits and maintaining consistency with them that long-term wellness can be achieved. This means committing to a daily effort to break free from the shackles of addiction.

Why Change is Hard

Making the decision to overcome addiction can be challenging. This is especially true if you have been living with addiction for a long time. This decision requires a complete shift in habits and mindset. You may find it difficult to accept that the life you’ve been living is no longer suitable. Embracing a new lifestyle can be scary. 

According to an article in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, creating habits and routines can help ease the transition between lifestyles. These habits acclimate your brain to the new situation more easily.

Although life can feel turbulent when making changes, it is important to remember that making these changes is beneficial in the long run. It may take time, but with the right guidance, support, and dedication, it is possible to overcome addiction and create positive habits. It’s essential to keep an open mind and remain motivated throughout the journey so that you can reach your goal.

The Power of Habit

Habits are powerful tools that can have a positive influence on our lives. Consistency is the key to unleashing that power. According to an article in the British Journal of General Practice, when you make a habit consistent, it becomes easier until it becomes unconscious and ingrained into your everyday life. 

When forming a habit, you must first commit to the task and then focus on completing the action consistently over a period of time. This repetition is key to forming a habit because it allows our brains and bodies to get into a groove. Through consistent actions, our brains and bodies develop neural pathways that create automatic responses for tasks.

The power of habit does not only benefit us physically but also mentally. We often feel stuck in our lives or that we do not have control of our lives. Having a routine of healthy habits and activities gives us to control that is often needed for peace of mind. We feel empowered knowing that we can rely on our habits to give us something concrete to work on.

How to Build Good Habits

Building good habits starts with small steps. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and long-term health isn’t achieved in a day either. Take your time and make sure you are doing the things necessary to achieve your long-term goals. Small steps such as walking a little every day or eating one proper meal can help get you on the right track. 

Create Rituals and Rewards

You should also be mindful of the habits you would like to have and create rituals around them. Start by writing out the habit you want to form and break it down into smaller steps. This will make it easier to stay consistent in forming this new habit. Also, don’t forget to reward yourself after completing each task. Whether that’s taking a break, buying yourself something nice, or creating some free time. Rewards keep you motivated and encourage you to continue doing the right thing. 

Set Realistic Expectations

Additionally, it’s important to set realistic expectations for yourself and your habits. Don’t expect perfection, because that is impossible to attain. Instead, focus on progress and take pride in what you have accomplished. It will help you stay positive and maintain your motivation. Finally, don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance when needed. It’s okay to need a support system from time to time and there are plenty of resources out there that can help.

The Importance of Consistency

Consistency is an essential part of developing good habits. It’s important to keep the same routine every day. This means setting aside a specific time each day when you focus on building new habits and reinforcing existing ones.

To stay consistent, it can be helpful to enlist someone who can help you stay accountable. This could mean having a friend or family member check in with you regularly. It could also mean taking pictures of your progress as motivation. If you get help with resisting temptation, you’ll have a better chance of continuing along a positive path. 

Overall, consistency is key when it comes to addiction rehabilitation and habit building. The most successful people commit to their goals and stay consistent no matter what obstacles they face. With dedication and discipline, you can make meaningful changes that will lead to improved health and wellness.

Always Have Support

No matter how you strive for consistency in your goal-building, you can become overwhelmed. If you find yourself struggling to stay consistent with your goals, do not be afraid to reach out for help. At First Steps Recovery, we are dedicated to helping people who struggle with substance abuse. Our recovery program offers various levels of care that range from detoxification to residential treatment and beyond. 

We understand the importance of establishing healthy habits and developing a strong support system, which is why we offer individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and many other types of treatment services. With our professional assistance and compassionate care, we will help you create an individualized plan for sobriety and success. No matter where you are on your journey to recovery, First Steps Recovery can help you get back on track and stay there.

We provide individualized addiction treatment programs at First Steps Recovery that are catered to the requirements of each person. Our qualified therapists and counselors are here to support you as you go through the healing process. They can assist you in locating and resolving any problems that might be impeding your progress. This can include learning to be consistent in your routines and creating habits that lead to long-term sobriety and health. Addiction recovery can be a challenging process, but it is made easier by the support and care of those around us. Make the decision to commit to yourself by contacting us at First Steps Recovery by calling (844) 489-0836.

We provide individualized addiction treatment programs at First Steps Recovery that are catered to the requirements of each person. Our qualified therapists and counselors are here to support you as you go through the healing process. They can assist you in locating and resolving any problems that might be impeding your progress. This can include learning to be consistent in your routines and creating habits that lead to long-term sobriety and health. Addiction recovery can be a challenging process, but it is made easier by the support and care of those around us. Make the decision to commit to yourself by contacting us at First Steps Recovery by calling (844) 489-0836.

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