Addiction Triggers

Addiction Triggers

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Addiction is a complex issue that affects millions of people all over the world. A variety of mental or emotional triggers can set off cravings and lead to substance abuse. Recognizing and understanding your triggers can be an important step in the journey to overcoming addiction and achieving long-term sobriety. In this blog post, we will discuss the various triggers associated with addiction and what you can do to manage them. Lastly, we will discuss the support you can find at First Steps Recovery.

What Are Addiction Triggers?

Addiction triggers are stimuli that can elicit a reaction or urge to engage in addictive behaviors. According to research published by Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience in 2020, a trigger is defined as “a stimulus that elicits a reaction.” This can refer to anything including certain environments, emotions, activities, and people. Triggers can be both positive and negative, but when it comes to addiction, they are most often negative.

For example, someone with an alcohol addiction may have triggers that include certain bars or friends who drink heavily. Someone with a food addiction might find their cravings triggered by the smell of freshly-baked goods or seeing pictures of food on social media. Someone with a gambling addiction might find themselves tempted to gamble after seeing a casino advertisement. Triggers are a cause of addiction cravings and can be very powerful. Without the proper understanding and tools, it can be difficult to resist them. That’s why it’s important to identify and address your triggers before attempting to successfully abstain from addictive behavior.

Identifying Your Triggers

Understanding your triggers is a necessary part of the recovery journey. This requires introspection and an honest inventory of the thoughts and behaviors that lead to your addictive behavior. It is important to look at why you turn to substances or activities when you feel stress, sadness, or anger. Understanding the motivations behind your cravings can help you to manage them better.

The Role of Trauma

In addition, it is important to consider any traumas that may be contributing to your addiction. If you experienced trauma in the past, it is important to seek professional help or peer support. A professional can help you address the underlying issues that may be driving your cravings.

Memories and traumas could have been lying dormant during your substance abuse. As you embrace sobriety, attending to these disturbing memories can become more of a priority in your daily life. Unfortunately, this act of delving into the past can create more stress and more of a desire to use. However, by understanding the emotions that drive your addictive behaviors, you can work on addressing them in healthy ways. With a clear understanding of your triggers, you can begin to manage them and move toward a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Dealing With Cravings

When you’ve identified your triggers, it’s important to create a plan of action to deal with them. This may include limiting or avoiding exposure to certain people or situations that could cause a relapse. It will likely include developing strategies to reduce stress levels and learning healthy coping skills. Avoiding the people and situations that trigger your addictive habits can be difficult, especially if they’re part of your daily life. However, with the right support and strategies, you can stay on track to achieving long-term sobriety.

One way to manage triggers is to practice mind-body relaxation. According to the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, stress and tension are common triggers of relapse. Mind-body relaxation can help you let go of negative thinking such as dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, which are triggers for relapse. Pursuing relaxation techniques is also a way of being kind to yourself. The practice of self-care during mind-body relaxation translates into self-care for the rest of your life. Finding time to relax is a part of creating a new life in recovery.

Having a Line of Defense

It can be hard to face the triggers that cause addictive cravings. However, with the right tools and support, you can strengthen your line of defense against them. At First Steps Recovery, we have numerous resources to help you navigate and understand your addiction triggers.

Our counselors will assess your triggers and help you create a plan to manage them healthily. We also provide coaching and support to encourage positive behavior change. In addition, we offer education and skills-building workshops to help you strengthen your line of defense. Our supportive community will keep you motivated and inspire you to succeed in reaching your sobriety goals.

At First Steps Recovery, we believe in empowering individuals to take control of their recovery journey. With our help, you can develop the strength and resilience necessary to manage triggers, stay motivated, and enjoy long-term sobriety. Together, we will build your line of defense to make sure you are equipped to handle any addiction triggers that come your way.

Addiction is a multilayered issue in many of our lives. When you seek rehabilitation, you can still find yourself struggling with the decisions of your past. However, you do not have to do this alone. First Steps Recovery is dedicated to assisting you in the journey of substance abuse recovery. Our outpatient program is focused on helping individuals navigate a new world and lifestyle while still recovering from any traumas of the past. We don’t want you to just have sobriety. We want you to have your joy back. If you are struggling with addiction recovery, please reach out to First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information about our services and facilities.

Addiction is a multilayered issue in many of our lives. When you seek rehabilitation, you can still find yourself struggling with the decisions of your past. However, you do not have to do this alone. First Steps Recovery is dedicated to assisting you in the journey of substance abuse recovery. Our outpatient program is focused on helping individuals navigate a new world and lifestyle while still recovering from any traumas of the past. We don’t want you to just have sobriety. We want you to have your joy back. If you are struggling with addiction recovery, please reach out to First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information about our services and facilities.

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