
5 More Celebrities You May See in the Rooms in Southern California

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Alcoholism and addiction doesn’t discriminate. It does not care about you gender, religion, or sexual orientation, it doesn’t care if you live below the poverty line or if you are one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood history. Addiction is real and it can affect anyone, celebrities are no exception. Hundreds of celebrities have struggled or currently struggle with alcoholism or drug addiction. Some of those celebrities who have overcome their addiction and were given a fresh start on life attend support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous. These meetings or these “rooms” are free to attend and anyone is welcome.

Southern California has a huge recovery community, with this large community comes more meetings and more groups. Just because a celebrity is famous doesn’t mean that they don’t need help maintaining their sobriety with the help of everyday people. If you are a resident of Southern California or if you are visiting a meeting in that area, you may see one of these celebrities in recovery at a meeting.


eminem the rapper

Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem , had a very public struggle with prescription pills including Vicodin, Xanax and Percocet. He wrote several albums about his struggle but is now clean and sober. “I don’t know at what point exactly it started to be a problem. I just remember liking it more and more.” Eminem has been know to display his medallions (from A.A and N.A) on stage. He is proud of what he has accomplished and hopes to share his wisdom on addiction with others.

Matthew Perry

Matthew Perry

The star of the hit show “Friends” struggled with addiction for years. “You can’t have a drug problem for 30 years and then expect to have it be solved in 28 days.” – Perry said. Since he has entered recovery he has made quite an impact on the world of recovery. He has opened several treatment centers and sober houses for addicts. He continues to speak openly about his addiction and is very passionate about helping others.

Travis Barker

Travis Barke


The drummer from the band Blink 182 had some severe issues with Oxycodone back in the mid 2000’s. Barker said “I had this moment when I got to Europe for that tour where I really identified myself as a dumpster, and I wasn’t proud. I was scared. I had to call Mark (lead singer and guitarist from Blink 182) and say, ‘Hey man. I’m like borderline suicidal. I’m going crazy. I need to go home.” Travis Barker had a close call with death after a plane crash in 2008 that claimed the lives of 8 others. After the crash Barker struggled with severe depression but has since improved. He has been clean for a few years now.

Alanis Morissette

Alanis Morissette

This alternative rock legend used her share of drugs and alcohol over the years, but her main struggle was with her eating disorder. “The big question for me around eating-disorder recovery is, ‘What is sobriety with food?’” Morissette says. “We know with alcohol, you just don’t drink it and don’t go to a bar. With heroin, you just don’t go near it. Whereas with food, you have to eat, so how can one go from, in my case, bingeing and purging, starving, overeating, the scale going up and down — how can I go from that to a ‘sober’ approach?”

Dick Van Dyke

Dick Van Dyke

Richard Wayne “Dick” Van Dyke is an American actor, comedian, writer, singer, dancer, and producer whose career in entertainment has spanned almost seven decades” Starring in classic Hollywood hits like “Mary Poppins” and the legendary “Dick Van Dyke Show” he has left his legacy in Hollywood. Dick struggled with alcoholism for years but turned his life around years ago. At 91 years old he doesn’t attend too many meetings anymore but you never know if he may show up.

Are You or a Loved One Struggling?

If you or a loved are struggling with drug addiction or alcoholism please reach out for help today. At First Steps Recovery, we never give up on residents. Our dual diagnosis program will help break the addiction and treat the underlying mental health issues. Alcoholism/addiction causes too much pain and heartbreak in our country, help stop the pain today. Please call us today if you or a loved one are struggling, 1-844-BIG-STEP (1-844-489-0836).

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