Does Hiking Help with Addiction Recovery?

Does Hiking Help with Addiction Recovery?

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

What if there was an activity that could help with addiction recovery? Actually, there is! Hiking has been proven to be an effective tool for many people struggling with addiction. Not only does hiking provide physical exercise, but it also helps to improve overall mental health and well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the potential benefits of hiking for addiction recovery and how it can help people in their recovery journey.

The Mental Health Benefits of Hiking

According to an article in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, hiking has been linked to decreased stress levels and restored attention. It can help reduce feelings of isolation and depression, two factors that often lead to relapse in those recovering from addiction. When you feel a tug from cravings or needs, you can have an outlet where you distance yourself from those. While hiking, you can gain the perspective needed to lower your stress levels and create a course of action to safeguard against relapse.

A study published in the journal Heliyon found that many regular hikers had better internal motivation when facing and overcoming new challenges. Hiking also enabled them to cross physical boundaries such as distance and elevation in ways they didn’t believe they could. This lead to going out of their comfort zone to achieve goals. When a person achieves something through hard work and fortitude, they are building their internal motivation. They are showing themselves they can overcome challenges. Then they are more likely to create new goals that keep them moving mentally and physically.

The Physical Benefits of Hiking

Hiking is a great way to improve physical health and is especially beneficial for addiction recovery. This activity can help lower blood pressure, improve the functioning of the immune system, and assist with long-term muscle building and weight loss. Even short walks in nature can provide the body with benefits like improved circulation and a greater sense of well-being.

Additionally, hiking can improve overall physical fitness by increasing muscular strength, coordination, and balance. Furthermore, hiking helps increase lung capacity and can help strengthen heart health. This makes hiking an excellent form of exercise for those in recovery. It offers low-impact physical activity and increased energy levels. All these aspects can help people gain greater control over their bodies. This also aids in a positive view of one’s body.

How Hiking Can Help With Addiction Recovery

Hiking can be an invaluable tool for addiction recovery. It allows people to get away from the triggers that may be present in their everyday lives. The act of walking and enjoying nature helps clear one’s mind. When they are able to clear all the noise of cravings and worries, they are allowing themselves to focus on the present moment. A person can gain a sense of control and peace. This can help break the cycle of cravings, enabling them to stay focused on their recovery.

Additionally, going on hikes increases overall physical activity, which is beneficial for mental and physical health. Exercise has been found to be one of the most effective natural treatments for addiction. This is partly because exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, which cause feelings of well-being and a natural “high.”

The therapeutic power of hiking is further enhanced when done in groups. Joining a hiking group provides a sense of community and connection that can be invaluable for people in addiction recovery. The relationships that are formed in these groups are often strong and provide a sense of camaraderie and support that can help someone stay on track with their recovery goals.

Overcoming Addiction Through Awareness

Addiction recovery is a complex and active process. It requires ongoing management, focus, and dedication. No one can overcome addiction on their own; they need support and guidance from those who understand what they are going through.

However, with the right resources, it is possible to regain control of one’s life and begin to heal. Addiction recovery is a journey that requires strength, patience, and understanding. With First Steps Recovery, you can create an individualized plan to address the underlying causes of addiction and develop effective strategies to manage cravings. This may include physical activity as well as a variety of therapies and activities that promote holistic health and happiness.

It may seem daunting at first, but as you progress, you will notice the cravings and tugs become less powerful. With effort and determination, you can take control of your addiction and create a healthy lifestyle. First Steps Recovery can provide the necessary support and guidance to help you move forward with confidence. If you are struggling with addiction or need help creating a game plan for your addiction recovery, please consider contacting our facility. We are ready to help you every step of the way.

Sobriety is a freeing experience. It opens your heart and mind and ways you had never dreamt prior. Your decision to pursue addiction treatment is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself and those you love. Your appreciation for life and its journeys will grow as you recover. You may find new hobbies such as hiking or other forms of exercise, which can be done alongside others. No matter what stage of recovery you are in, we at First Steps Recovery want to assist you in discovering the happiest version of yourself. Our top priorities are your well-being and sobriety. Call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 if you need assistance with addiction or to stay sober.

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