How Can I Be Aware of My Behavior During Drug Rehabilitation?

How Can I Be Aware of My Behavior During Drug Rehabilitation?

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Substance use disorders (SUDs) can greatly impact one’s behavior. Even while in drug rehabilitation, one’s behavior continues to change. The goal is for behavior to continually become healthier and healthier in order to ensure long-term recovery. When people are aware of their behavior and make efforts to grow personally, they have better results with relationships and with their treatment in general. 

The team at First Steps Recovery helps monitor clients, and the facility is there to provide comfort, security, and safety during drug rehabilitation to positively impact one’s behavior. Likewise, there are many approaches to care and treatment that are implemented into one’s treatment plan to improve mental-emotional well-being, and therefore one’s behavior.

How Does Behavior Impact Oneself and Others?

Behavior can have either a positive or negative impact on oneself and others. When committing to drug rehab and fully engaging in the process, clients may involve their external support group. Engaging with this support group of family members or friends in a constructive way can benefit the recovery process and those relationships. An example of constructive engagement with loved ones includes being honest with them about one’s thoughts and feelings. This allows this support system to offer help and care during the process.

Often before receiving treatment, drug addiction can detrimentally affect relationships. Turmoil in external relationships adds more stress to everyone’s life. During recovery, though, clients can work on their relationships with others in a healthy way. After the treatment plan ends, it is important to keep a positive connection with this support system. These loved ones can provide support even after recovery.

It is also important to recognize that one’s behavior affects oneself and the recovery process. Engaging with a positive mindset and attitude allows a person to keep an open mind during recovery. This helps clients reap the benefits of all aspects of treatment. Likewise, this positive mindset can continue beyond treatment and help one maintain long-term sobriety with a more positive outlook on life.

The Importance of Behavior in Drug Rehabilitation

Behavior and mindset are extremely important during drug rehabilitation. To prevent relapse and sustain active recovery, it is important to seek personal growth. When working on personal growth, it is important to remember that recovery is not linear and it is only possible with active engagement in the process. One has to be willing to be honest, open, and engaged in recovery in order to change one’s life. Likewise, asking for help and practicing self-care are important steps in the recovery journey.

One’s behavior toward recovery greatly impacts its success. Clients cannot expect to be healed in two weeks, nor can they expect to end treatment and not continue healthy practices on their own. Recovery is a long process of healing and transitioning. Clients have to commit themselves to making a transition to a healthy and self-directed life in which they can reach their full potential.

Being aware of one’s behavior in recovery can be seen through their engagement with the treatment. For instance, passively engaging with holistic approaches instead of seeing their value and actively taking advantage of them negatively impacts recovery. Another example is that being completely honest and open during therapy sessions allows the therapist to properly guide the client into a healthier lifestyle. This is a positive behavior that improves the recovery process.

Improving Behavior During Drug Rehabilitation at First Steps Recovery

First Steps Recovery offers a variety of therapies that positively impact behavior. Examples include psychotherapy and behavioral therapy which directly relate to improving behavior and mindset through conversations. Another is holistic services that can benefit one’s mental-emotional well-being. These holistic approaches include trips and outings, recreation, art, yoga, horseback riding, music, and wilderness therapies. When using these therapies, clients work on strengthening their emotional well-being in more of a more hands-on way.

For instance, in art therapy, clients learn to express themselves through creativity and artistry. Actively engaging in this therapy can help clients understand themselves on a deeper level, get to the root cause of their addiction, and spontaneously work through difficulties. When applying oneself to these hands-on activities, it can become easier to verbally express difficulties. These holistic approaches also help clients develop a greater sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Conforming to Behavioral Norms During Drug Rehabilitation

All therapies are aimed at addressing underlying issues and helping clients improve their behavioral strategies. As clients continue to find treatments that work for them, they often will notice their behavior naturally becoming more well-adapted to social and emotional situations. This helps fuel further progress and momentum. Keeping one’s behavior aligned with social norms during treatment allows clients to fully reap the benefits of their services.

The staff at First Steps Recovery continues to stay in contact with clients after their recovery treatment plan ends. Having this connection allows clients to reach out if needed. When someone has actively engaged with the staff and the treatment in a positive way, it is easier to reach out for help or support later. This applies to one’s personal support system as well.

Generally, relationships with others can improve during recovery when approached with a positive mindset, an open-minded attitude, and ever-improving behavior. Our staff is there to help clients achieve their behavioral goals and guide them with compassion along the way.

At First Steps Recovery, we encourage clients to maintain positive behavior during treatment. A positive mindset and positive behavior allow clients to keep an open mind and engage with their treatment to the fullest extent. Likewise, positive behavior can improve clients’ social lives with their personal support systems. Rather than pushing people away and isolating oneself, positive interactions increase support during recovery and allow for these relationships to flourish after recovery. To help improve behavior, clients are welcome to partake in holistic care approaches that give clients more creative freedom to express themselves. A more personal and creative approach to treatment helps improve behavior. To learn more about improving behavior in recovery, please call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836.

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