Addiction and recovery for men and women are different. However, it may seem unclear what these differences are. These distinctions can be seen through susceptibility, recovery, and risk of relapse, which correlate with different types of treatment. Treating a client according to their needs is a priority, which includes serving clients according to their biological makeup. This article lists the aspects of women’s recovery and how they differ from that of men during both treatment and recovery from substance misuse. It discusses how addiction affects the body and how treatment targets these areas to strengthen them.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), one of the most significant differences between addiction in men and women is susceptibility. Women shift from substance abuse to dependence and addiction more frequently and quickly than males. Similarly, women are more likely to use illegal substances as self-medication than men due to social groups or peer pressure. In addition, women enter addiction treatment with lower self-esteem than their male counterparts. Their more volatile state can be due to many psychological reasons, but it can also be explained genetically.
This is why providing supportive therapies that focus on empathy, connection, and warmth is essential. This is more effective because it creates new associations that override the old needs. A lack of self-esteem can also stem from past trauma. Therapy and counseling are available during addiction treatment to address these memories.
Trauma is linked to causing substance abuse, as it is usually a coping mechanism. Enabling females with strong internal identities and safe surroundings can ensure they do not have to return to use. Since drugs are used as a hiding place for unpleasant emotions, it helps when the unsafe surroundings are removed from their situation. The goal is to remove the volatile fears that rule their lives.
The next aspect of addiction that affects women differently is how drugs interact with their physiology. According to NIDA, women who form drug habits report issues that are more severe and they suffer more negative health effects than men. Side effects of substance misuse, such as liver damage and overdose, are more common in women. Some of this is attributed to the fact that women are of smaller stature than men in most cases. The genetic makeup of each gender receives the signals from drug substances at different rates. Women tend to absorb the physical effects faster, making it more dangerous when they do use it.
Treatment centers provide a team of experts and staff that monitor clients. At First Steps Recovery, medical assistance is provided around the clock. This is because many clients may suffer from severe medical issues caused or exacerbated by drug use. This is especially true in females. Clients are guided step by step through detox, considered the most physically demanding treatment. Once a client is through this stage, they can take the necessary vitamins and nutrients to restore their health. This medical assistance may not guard against medical complications but will point them back to the most healthy lifestyle possible.
Risk of Relapse
The last difference between men and women in addiction is that women will experience more intense cravings and relapses. Women may be more prone to experiencing chronic pain than men because their physiology is more sensitive to changes in the environment, such as temperature or light. This is why relapsing can be more difficult because, naturally, females have more bodily sensitivity. The pain sensitivity can be both mental and physical. A withdrawal may feel holistically painful if there are pains in the body combined with mental health issues. This makes inpatient and outpatient care a top priority for clients.
Clients are monitored as they progress through cravings and withdrawals. This process may take longer for some clients, but it is an active process of weening off the effects of the substance. It may not be just an issue of wanting the high, but a physical need because the body has become dependent on the drug. Since this is stronger for women, they are benefited from a safe environment as they overcome cravings. The goal is to minimize cravings until they are cognitively manageable. Once the client has mental control, they can dominate their emotional state.
Choosing Treatment
When an individual decides they need addiction treatment is a frightening reality, but it is a decision that could save their life. First Steps Recovery is prepared to serve its clients in a way that restores them to health. Anyone who thinks they have a problem with substance use and want to change their life for the better is welcome at First Steps Recovery. A life of sobriety is not just a dream, It is a reality.
Alcohol and narcotics both harm the body and the brain no matter who you are. When you choose treatment, you are giving yourself an escape from the vicious cycle of guilt and drug usage brought on by substance misuse. We at First Steps Recovery are committed to helping you lead a sober lifestyle. Our facilities offer a staff of professionals and experts who wish to help you break free from the bonds of addiction. On the path to holistic recovery, you won’t be traveling alone. We truly believe that you can find your happiness again through addiction treatment. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please contact First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information.
Alcohol and narcotics both harm the body and the brain no matter who you are. When you choose treatment, you are giving yourself an escape from the vicious cycle of guilt and drug usage brought on by substance misuse. We at First Steps Recovery are committed to helping you lead a sober lifestyle. Our facilities offer a staff of professionals and experts who wish to help you break free from the bonds of addiction. On the path to holistic recovery, you won’t be traveling alone. We truly believe that you can find your happiness again through addiction treatment. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, please contact First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836 for more information.