Lifestyle Matters: How Alcohol Marketing Is Affecting Women

Lifestyle Matters: How Alcohol Marketing Is Affecting Women

Picture of Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

I’m sure you’ve seen the uptick in “wine mom” culture and pink-labeling alcohol products over the last decade. From catchy T-shirts and handbags to low-calorie, pretty drinks, there are many ways the alcohol industry is increasingly targeting women.

With alcohol being a long-standing staple in social settings, it’s no surprise that alcohol has become an easy way for women and men alike to take the edge off. However, alcohol has different effects on women’s health. Especially considering alcohol’s effects on women, the increased marketing geared toward women is concerning.

In this blog, we will consider the potential effects of increased alcohol use on women’s health. Then we will discuss healthier ways to unwind and enjoy your life.

The Impact of Alcohol Marketing

Much like any other form of marketing, the professionals behind alcohol marketing research the psychology of their target markets. There is a lot of concentrated effort that goes into making the most of marketing campaigns to attract as many new and repeat customers as possible.

The key to strong marketing tactics is to connect with the intended audience emotionally. When it comes to targeting women, this is no less true. Often, companies will appeal to the need for moms to unwind and de-stress in their daily lives. Rather than encourage deep breathing and healthy connections, companies will conveniently market their alcohol products as a quick fix to these deeper concerns.

The culture around “wine moms” today creates an easy target for alcohol marketers. Alcohol companies hone in on this demographic of women with commercials and products that feed into this narrative. While an occasional drink isn’t necessarily harmful to the average woman, overuse is. Encouraging alcohol-related behavior in the long term can have unfortunate side effects for women and their families.

Effects of Increased Alcohol Use Among Women

Increased alcohol consumption among women can affect their mental and physical health. Physically, most women’s bodies handle alcohol differently than most men’s bodies.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the impact of regular alcohol use among women can be more noticeable and potentially detrimental over time. Generally, women maintain higher blood alcohol levels for longer periods of time than men. It also takes longer for women to metabolize alcohol.

The effects of alcohol tend to take effect more quickly and last longer than in men, posing several health implications.

Physical Effects of Alcohol Use

The potential physical side effects of regular alcohol use include:

  • Fatigue or insomnia
  • Increased risk for various cancers
  • Higher chance of experiencing a stroke
  • Greater chance of developing heart and liver disease
  • Increased exposure to risky and dangerous behaviors that contribute to legal trouble, medical emergencies, and death

Mental Effects of Alcohol Use

The potential mental side effects of regular alcohol use include:

  • Increased chances of experiencing mental health challenges
  • Worsening symptoms of pre-existing mental health conditions
  • Brain fog
  • Impaired judgment
  • Increased risk of developing an alcohol use disorder (AUD) which can contribute to and exacerbate pre-existing mental health conditions

Rising Above Targeted Alcohol Marketing Strategies

In this day and age, it can feel as if we are being bombarded by propaganda from every angle. Whether it’s the people close to us, the ads we see on TV, online, or in print, propaganda is ubiquitous. This can certainly make it seem difficult to avoid the cultural messages around alcohol consumption.

By strengthening your resolve and honoring where you stand with alcohol consumption, it will become increasingly easier to stand your ground. You will know what is right for you, regardless of the alcohol marketing tactics you come across.

Combatting the Effects of Alcohol Marketing

If you think that you or a loved one are facing challenges with alcohol consumption, First Steps Recovery is here to guide your healing process. We offer varying levels of care to meet our clients where they’re at on their journey to true wellness. We help you make the commitment to sobriety. Additionally, we help you create new habits and behaviors that support your commitment.

You can rise above alcohol marketing tactics with a solid plan to maintain your sobriety, which may include:

  • Defining and sharing your boundaries with your family and friends. Boundaries create a clear picture of where you stand and what you’re comfortable with. You can share as little or as much about your reasoning as you feel comfortable with. The most important part about boundaries regarding sobriety is that others understand your need to support your wellness.
  • Find and attend fun sober events. Increasingly, there are more adult events marketed to a sober crowd. However, other activities are naturally sober, even if they aren’t marketed as such. Some sober activities can include dance parties, artistic and educational classes, and family-friendly events.
  • Create an environment that supports your sobriety goals. As you make the shift to cut back on and eliminate alcohol, you’ll want to address your environment. Taking ownership of your daily environment and habits can have a positive impact on your sobriety. Consider your daily habits and find ways to make healthy changes that fit the healthy life you are actively creating.

First Steps Recovery is here to walk you through every stage of your sober journey. A consultation can help you get a sense of where you are and how we can best support your healing.


Marketing strategies often have psychological effects on the intended audience. In recent years, alcohol marketing has begun to target women more often. These inclusive marketing tactics may seem well-intended, but they can be quite problematic. Rather than addressing personal challenges in a healthy and lasting way, alcohol has become a band-aid to help women and men avoid deeper healing work. First Steps Recovery is here to help you or your loved ones address their relationship with alcohol. Regardless of where you are in your journey, our team offers judgment-free, compassionate, and high-quality care to get you to the other side of recovery. Contact us today at (844) 489-0836 for the individualized support you need.  

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