Maintaining Sobriety at Work After Addiction Treatment

Maintaining Sobriety at Work After Addiction Treatment

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Dr. Norris Von Curl, II, MD

Work can be one of the biggest sources of stress for people. For people recovering from drug addiction, it can be difficult to manage the stresses of responsibility and deadlines without slipping back into relapse. Once you’ve taken steps to beat addiction, it can be even trickier to avoid temptation on the job. Whether you’re still in early recovery or have stayed sober for a while, there are practical tactics to help you with maintaining sobriety. This post will go over why it’s important to stay sober at work and give you guidance on how to achieve long-term freedom from addiction.

The Prevalence of Drug Abuse in the Workplace

The misuse of drugs at work is an increasingly prevalent issue that can ruin the lives of those involved. Abusing substances while on the job doesn’t just harm the addict, it also puts colleagues in danger. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), approximately 70% of drug users have full-time jobs. It’s particularly concerning that most of these individuals work in high-risk fields like healthcare, transportation, construction, and government. This prevalence is due to the environment being high risk. However, this also means patients and clients are having their lives put in danger.

Xanax, also known as alprazolam, is a prime example of a substance that’s often abused in the workplace. The United States Drug Enforcement Administration confirmed that Xanax is among the most frequently misused drugs in the U.S. Additionally, Xanax is more likely to cause overdoses than any other prescription medication. It’s typically prescribed for people with anxiety and panic attacks, but it rapidly becomes addictive when it’s taken over an extended period. It can easily become a part of the workplace culture and become an accepted habit among coworkers during non-work hours as well.

The Risks of Relapse

No matter how successful one’s treatment may have been, there are challenges to maintaining sobriety. The main challenges consist of the temptations or stressors that come with everyday life. Work can be an especially dodgy area since it’s loaded with potential triggers that can lead to a relapse. Taking Xanax or alprazolam is one of the biggest pitfalls for those trying to recover from addiction. Its soothing properties make it tempting when the work environment becomes chaotic. This makes it even harder to stay on the straight and narrow. Unfortunately, this increases the chances of relapse.

Alcohol is another slippery slope at work, considering all the events that involve drinking as a social activity. Even being around others who might indulge recreationally can be enough to cause problems for someone in recovery. That’s why those in recovery need to know how to tackle the situations in their work environment without getting derailed.

Steps for Maintaining Sobriety

A key to maintaining sobriety is having a solid community. This crew can include family, friends, sober buddies, and therapists who can uplift you and keep you going. It is ideal if your support system includes people you know outside of work, which gives you a break from the work environment.

Additionally, recovery isn’t just a one-and-done deal. It’s important to set goals to help keep you focused and give you a sense of purpose. However, make sure they’re doable so that you don’t burn yourself out. Also, be wary to not put too much pressure on yourself. It is all about taking small steps in the right direction.

It’s also important to have structure. A followable routine that has steps you enjoy such as working out, hobbies, and hanging with supportive people will help you stay on track and keep you from falling into tempting situations. In addition, knowing what sets off those cravings and having a plan to deal with them before they take hold is key. It can be helpful to talk with a friend or individual from recovery who understands your triggers. That can help you understand where these triggers come from and how to avoid them in the future.

Getting Assistance With Maintaining Sobriety

When it comes to fighting addiction, the most important thing is having the right resources. You need an addiction recovery center that can give you personalized care and treatments based on evidence. That’s where First Steps Recovery comes in. We are comprised of focused and trained individuals who want to see you free from the grip of addiction. What’s more, we offer support for families and help with planning the steps and strategies you’ll put into action after you leave.

We want to give you the tools you need to get sober and stay that way. That means teaching you how to avoid falling back into old habits, how to handle life, and how to communicate with other people. If you or somebody you know is struggling with addiction, we ask you to please reach out to us. There is no shame in asking for help. The decision to seek support is made from a place of strength.

At First Steps Recovery, we are not just invested in your drug and alcohol rehabilitation. We are also dedicated to freeing you completely from addiction’s grip through continued resources. Reaching out for help can be a scary decision, but the decision can be one that will save your life. You need to know that treatment is tailored to your situation. If you are exploring various treatment options, First Steps Recovery is here to help. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment program can help you find the healing and happiness you deserve. We offer detox services, inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment to ensure your needs are met. For more information on our services, call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836.

At First Steps Recovery, we are not just invested in your drug and alcohol rehabilitation. We are also dedicated to freeing you completely from addiction’s grip through continued resources. Reaching out for help can be a scary decision, but the decision can be one that will save your life. You need to know that treatment is tailored to your situation. If you are exploring various treatment options, First Steps Recovery is here to help. Our drug and alcohol addiction treatment program can help you find the healing and happiness you deserve. We offer detox services, inpatient treatment, and outpatient treatment to ensure your needs are met. For more information on our services, call First Steps Recovery at (844) 489-0836.

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